"We, for our part, celebrate nearly everything that involves
delicious and free food, drink, presents and/or a good time."
delicious and free food, drink, presents and/or a good time."

We also do national holidays for our nation or someone else’s nation, particularly Independence Days for our sisters and brothers of any free nation. And if
they happen to be visiting us at that time, we will certainly celebrate any national holiday of their country that they wish. In fact, we even love to celebrate
people coming to visit us. We will even help people celebrate their religious
holidays as long as they don’t involve us fasting, beating ours’Elves with
sticks or going around looking somber pretending to be religious and spiritual.
Generally, the only time we celebrate with people like that is when they go
away. We are also known to celebrate the New Year a number of times each year according to the Gregorian calendar, and also according to South and Southeast Asian calendars.
However, we
Silver Elves are fairly eclectic and improvisational folk. We
celebrate when the opportunity presents itself. And many of our celebrations come spontaneously as a result of the completion of some elf project or creative work or of an impromptu gathering of elf kin or of around a natural phenomenon. Once a full moon magical circle we had turned into a week long healing gathering and celebration of elven spirits during an unexpected natural flood that kept us housebound for seven days. And while many of our elven celebrations are impromptu, at the same time we know that
there are other elves who may wish for a bit more structure on their path. What
we say is think for yours’Elf and create your own way, which works well for us;
but others, particularly those who are beginning on the path and struggling to
emerge from the pressure to conform to traditional society, may need or
certainly desire a little more structure than we provide. And we understand
that. We just don’t have that structure to offer (although we do give suggestions for magical rituals and ceremonies in many of our books on The Elven Way including The Book of Elven Magick, Book 1 & 2). Stability, yes we do offer, for we are wilde spirited elves who have been around and with you in
this lifetime for decades and will surely be here for you in many more
lifetimes to come. But structure is just not in our elven nature. We
provide inspiration for creativity. The creation of structure, we leave to
other of our kindred.
Keldas Zet Ton Na
Tarsalunin Sol (Running wild on a moonlit night),
The Silver Elves
http://silverelves.angelfire.comElven Star Day!
"Being an elf is an organic thing. Even if there were no books to read or stories that tell of us in the modern media, we'd still know ours'elves to be elves, perhaps by a different name, but elves none-the-less. So, too, we have a holiday, so to speak, called Elven Star Day. Elven Star Day doesn't occur on a particular date each year, as most holidays do. It isn't even based upon a somewhat floating calendar, the way that Easter, Thanksgiving and Chinese New Year are. Rather, an elf will wake up one morning and hear a voice whisper, "It's Elven Star Day!" or perhaps they will just feel this strongly or sense it in their intuition and then for seven days they will meditate on each one of the points of the seven-pointed Elven Star and see what it reveals to them as well as sending out elven blessings into the world. Perhaps, we should call it Elven Star Week, but we're elves."
—The Silver Elves
"Elves love holidays and celebrations.
We love Halloween,
Yule, birthdays and anniversaries.
But our very favorite day to celebrate is
called Today."
— From Elf Quotes:
Great book gift for any holiday!
"Every dawn is a doorway to a new part of Faerie"
We welcome you to come join us on Facebook under the name Michael J. Love (Zardoa of The SilverElves) and Martha Char Love (SilverFlame of The Silver Elves).
We also invite you to visit our Author page on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_3?qid=1490695829&sr=8-3
And we hope you will come to our website and enjoy reading samples of all our 40 books on magic and enchantment and the elven way at:
What An Elf Would Do:
A Magical Guide to the Manners and Etiquette of the Faerie Folk
“Think of this as “Ms. Manners” for the Otherkin set. Ever wondered how to handle yourself with grace and style whilst traversing the mundane realms? Let this tome be your guide! Lessons on how to present oneself as a skilled and artful Noble are here in abundance.
Insight into human behavior patterns and tips on how to deal with difficult personality quirks are found on just about every page. Delivered with a lovely sense of humour (I’ve laughed out loud many times), the Silver Elves bring us a reference guide to assist with polishing our manners and bringing etiquette back to our daily lives.”
A Magical Guide to the Manners and Etiquette of the Faerie Folk
Gaea de las Aguas writes on Amazon in her review of What An Elf Would Do:

“Think of this as “Ms. Manners” for the Otherkin set. Ever wondered how to handle yourself with grace and style whilst traversing the mundane realms? Let this tome be your guide! Lessons on how to present oneself as a skilled and artful Noble are here in abundance.
Insight into human behavior patterns and tips on how to deal with difficult personality quirks are found on just about every page. Delivered with a lovely sense of humour (I’ve laughed out loud many times), the Silver Elves bring us a reference guide to assist with polishing our manners and bringing etiquette back to our daily lives.”
"To the Elves, Santa Claus is a great elven lord. How do we know he is an elf? He's surrounded by elves! How do we know he's a great lord? He gives gifts so generously! Who but an elf would be joyously surrounded by elves? And who but a great elven lord would give so much without asking for anything in return? Except perhaps that you re-gift as generously as you got and live in the elven spirit of the holidays."
—The Silver Elves