"We seek to create what we feel inside on the
outside. To manifest our feelings of what once was into what can be. Thus, we
are the People of the Ancient Future honoring the past and our ancestors, while
striving ever to create a New Dawn of Elfin."
We elves sometime refer to ours'elves as
the People of the Ancient Future, which seems somewhat contradictory. However,
it feels right to us and we elves trust our feelings a great deal. It is not
that we don't value logic and reason. In fact, we are surely some of the most
logical and certainly some of the most reasonable people upon the planet, but
logic is only as good as the facts one has and we've known numerous folks to
use what seems to be logic based upon erroneous assumptions and alternate facts
to support ideas that just don't seem right in our feelings.
This reminds us ever of the scene in the Fellowship of the Ring where Boromir
tries to persuade Frodo to give him the ring and Frodo tells him that while it
all sounds very logical something in his gut tells him it isn't quite true.
There is more to a person than their mental mind and sometimes the only way to
see someone's hidden motives is to look to our own inner feelings.
Thus, while the idea of an Ancient Future
doesn't quite seem logical, it resonates within the elven in a sort of opposite
fashion to Frodo's rejection of Boromir's arguments. For here, something that
doesn't quite seem logical, makes quite a lot of sense to us in our own
feelings and intuition.
Why this is so may have a lot to do with
the fact that according to legend elves are the Elder or Eldar race, the first
born into manifestation. A subtler manifestation truly, as the energy of spirit
first filtered down into the material dimensions, but material being
none-the-less. However, while we are sometimes inspired by legends, myths and
lore, we elves don't necessarily believe everything everyone writes about us,
no matter how ancient or modern the tale. Again, it is our own feelings that
are most important to us as an anchor to our own being and as a means of
discriminating what feels right to us and about us and what doesn't quite jibe
with our own inner sense of being.
Of course, we elves have to be somewhat
careful in that sense. For there are things that don't suit our own sense of
being elfin that makes perfect sense to some other elf. It is ever important to
remember that we elves tend to be eccentric by nature, which is to say, all
very different; that there are myriads of types of elves; and that what fits
one perfectly, like a suit of clothes, may be utterly impossible for another to
wear or simply, in this case, doesn't fit their own sense of style. Thus, when
people ask us to define elves, we always attempt to remain as open as possible
about what we are and what delineates our being.
But most elfin and elfae seem to have a
sense, independent of lore or in keeping with it, that we are, indeed, an
ancient people and most have a sense that we once had a great civilization that
existed either here upon the Earth and/or among the Stars. Some may think that
this civilization still exists but in another dimension as is the case in Freda
Warrington's great book Elfland.
However, if it does, no one seems to know where the threshold is or how to go
through it, and if they did, they are surely long gone. Wouldn't you be?
Most of us elves have realized that if
Elfin is to exist as a place upon the Earth in the current day or in the
future, we must create it. In fact, that is our mission. That is why we've
incarnated again and again. That is our continuing quest. But there is no doubt
that the Elfin we envision, lives within us like an ancient memory just on the
edge of our consciousness. We seek to create what we feel inside on the
outside. To manifest our feelings of what once was into what can be. Thus, we
are the People of the Ancient Future honoring the past and our ancestors, while
striving ever to create a New Dawn of Elfin.
Fardas Lovur Tae Lan (Dancing toward the dawn),
Our Website:http://silverelves.angelfire.com
"And dreams of olde awaken us,
slumbering down the ages,
of Elfin's dawn arising,
foretold by elven sages."
foretold by elven sages."
—The Silver Elves
Also, we welcome you to come join us on Facebook under Michael J. Love (Zardoa of the SilverElves) and Martha Char Love (SilverFlame of the SilverElves).
Also, our newest Silver Elves books (beginning March 2019) may be found on this blog site at https://silverelves.wordpress.com/2019/03/20/magical-books-by-the-silver-elves-on-the-elven-way-magic-and-enchantment-elven-oracles-and-elven-lifestyle.
And you can find all our the Silver Elves books to purchase on The Elven Way on Amazon here:
US Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2
US Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2
The Book of Elven Runes: A Passage Into Faerie
This is an original elven divination system of The Silver Elves.
Announcement !!!!!
What Kind of Elf or Otherkin Are You?
And What is Your Elfae or Otherkin Tribe?
For years various kindred have asked us, the Silver Elves, to help them figure this out. You probably know if you are an elf, faerie, or otherkin but now we've created a questionnaire in order to help us and you create a narrative together about your specific people and your clan, their personal characteristics, magic, relationship to Nature, and interests. This is our gift to you (free), which we think will be a bit of fun for both of us. Give us five minutes of your time and we will give you a half hour to forty minutes of ours and send you your unique magical narrative. Simply follow this link and the directions on that page:
And for a bit of elven fun! Come enter our elven forest (this will not take you out of our website) and go through the Elven Tree of Life Eternal to explore your magical nature (it's free and completely private). Then return to "The Eald of the Silver Elves home page" and enjoy other pages on our website including reading some of our Magical Elven Love Letters.

Enter here the Elven Tree of Life Eternal
"Elves are like a vision of the future that calls to mind the most ancient of days."
—The Silver Elves

A Spell Cast From My Fingertips . . . . . .
A |
spell rolls from my
fingertips, unseen
Cast by a mind unknowing
Bringing my Will to Life
In a world far more flexible
Than it imagines.
And if perchance they speak it loud
This enchantment ignited by their breath
Shimmering forth in waves of light
Shaped by my Intent
Made real.
Looking up you’ll see
The world you knew anew
Overlaid with magic
Clinging to the walls
Running down the halls
Slipping through the malls.
Elves and faeries, pixies, eldritch all
And though you did not suspect when you began
This poem
The magic you’d evoke
We thank you for helping Elfin emerge
And wishes long dreamt of, granted.
— from Caressed By An Elfin Breeze: The Poems of Zardoa Silverstar by The Silver Elves

Many people ask us which Silver Elves books to begin reading first and so we say, which ever sounds right to you, follow your elven intuition, as there is really no right order! But if you would like a suggestion, you may wish to begin with one or more of these four books:
1. Through The Mists Of Faerie: A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient ElvenThis is our most popular book and one we highly recommend reading by anyone interested in elves and the elven way.
2. The Elven Way: The Magical Path of the Shining Ones This is a companion book to Through the Mists of Faerie, but may be read in any order. It is also a very popular book and a good one to start with.
3. The Book of Elven Runes: A Passage Into Faerie
4. The Book of Elven Magick: The Philosophy and Enchantments of the Seelie Elves (see both Volume 1 & 2)
If you have questions about the Elven Way and being an elf, then you may also wish to read The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path. If you are curious about elves and want to learn more about modern elves, then you will surely find The Magical Realms of Elfin to contain many of your questions answered and it will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to the magical realms of Elfin.
1. Through The Mists Of Faerie: A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient ElvenThis is our most popular book and one we highly recommend reading by anyone interested in elves and the elven way.
2. The Elven Way: The Magical Path of the Shining Ones This is a companion book to Through the Mists of Faerie, but may be read in any order. It is also a very popular book and a good one to start with.
3. The Book of Elven Runes: A Passage Into Faerie
4. The Book of Elven Magick: The Philosophy and Enchantments of the Seelie Elves (see both Volume 1 & 2)
If you have questions about the Elven Way and being an elf, then you may also wish to read The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path. If you are curious about elves and want to learn more about modern elves, then you will surely find The Magical Realms of Elfin to contain many of your questions answered and it will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to the magical realms of Elfin.
And here is one of our newest releases that is very light reading but surely will uplift you and guide your way into Faerie! The Elves Say: A Collection of Over 1000 Ancient Elven Sayings and Wise Elfin Koans by The Silver Elves, Volume 2. This is the second book in the Elf Quotes Book Series, which contains The Silver Elves' own original elfin koans, ancient elven sayings, and their other quotes of wisdom on the Elven Way. If you loved Elf Quotes, our volume one of the Silver Elves elf quotes series, you will surely love this one as well. They do not need to be read in order. Many people say they enjoyed beginning reading our books with Elf Quotes as it is light reading yet brings you closer to Elfin and understanding The Elven Way.
Also, we have just published The Complete Dictionary of Arvyndase: The Elven Language of The Silver Elves. This is an English to Arvyndase, and Arvyndase to English dictionary for those who would like to use this language. There are over 30,000 words in the language of Arvyndase and in this dictionary, as Arvyndase is a complete language and may be both written and spoken as such.
The Book of Elven Magick, The Philosophy and Enchantments ofthe Seelie Elves explores the Elven viewpoint concerning magick and the world,
and traditional spiritual and religious myths. It covers all the color magicks, the tools of magic, and
gives magical ceremonies that may be adapted for use by modern elves,
magicians, and faerie folk. View the Table of Contents and sample pages here.
The Book of Elven Magick, The Philosophy and Enchantments ofthe Seelie Elves, Volume 2, continues the progression of the color magicks and
proceeds on into the nature and establishment of the Elven Vortex/Coven, using
mudras and tattoos in magic, using mantras in magic, our theories on calling
the directions/dimensions, magical words of power, and much more. It is the
completion of and companion to volume 1. View the Table of Contents and sample pages here.
We thank Ileådryn, Sara Isayama, for her beautiful graphic
presentation of this quote from
The Book of Elven Magick, The Philosophy and Enchantments of the Seelie Elves.
(Volume 1) by The Silver Elves
The Book of Elven Magick, The Philosophy and Enchantments of the Seelie Elves.
(Volume 1) by The Silver Elves
Touch this star for a blessing from the elves!