Saturday, April 4, 2020

How do you Know if a Person is an Elf or Faerie or Pixie or whatever? And Who are the Half Elves?

"In Elfin, you become what you truly wish to be and what you put energy/magic toward being. No one is a half elf, or part elf, unless they wish to be. We know that this concept is hard for some folks to absorb, having become used to viewing the world from a materialistic point of view . . . .  but in time all elves come to understand that we are granters of wishes and the first wish we ever granted was our own wish to be elves." 

(Note from the Silver Elves! We would like to thank Ileådryn, Sara Isayama, for her beautiful graphic design of the elven star featured above.)

How do you Know if a Person is an Elf or Faerie or Pixie or whatever?

Unlike some folks, these elves for the most part don’t tell people what they are.
We Silver Elves don’t generally say, “Hey, you are an elf,” or whatever. We tend to let people tell us what they are and usually we elicit this information by revealing our own elven nature to those we feel might be open to it and then seeing if they respond and how. Often, if we tell someone, “We’re elves,” and they are otherkin of some sort, they will reply saying, “I am, too,” or “I’m a faerie,” or as was the case with our daughter, “I’m a faerie elf.”
      This wasn’t always true. Early in our awakening, we used to tell others (ones we liked or were attracted to) that we thought that they were elves, too, and surely there is nothing wrong in doing so. It’s just that, in most cases you tend to draw out the same sort of response, which is the revelation of an individual’s true elfae nature or association whatever that might be.
      We particularly remember one instance where we encountered a young woman of our acquaintance very shortly after we had been awaken by the Elf Queen’s Daughters (see our books the Elf Magic Mail vols. 1 and 2 for their writings) and told her we thought she was an elf. She immediately replied that she was, in fact, a dwarf, which was something we had not suspected at all. However, this let us know that it is not our opinion of what others are that is important but their own understanding of their magical s’elves. Ultimately, whatever we may think they are, only their own aspirations matter and we have simplified and clarified things buy letting them tell us what they are instead of projecting our conceptions upon them.
      This does not mean that we don’t have opinions concerning certain individuals. We see folks that we think are elves, or faeries of pixies, trolls or whatever and we base this mostly upon their actions, their magic, their behavior, although their appearance sometimes plays a role as well.
     We have occasionally come upon someone who looks like a leprechaun to us but when we tell them so they often say something like, “Someone once told me I looked like a leprechaun when I was on the bus.” Or as is so often the case with leprechauns, who tend to be a bit cagey, you’ll get an answer that is essentially, yes, without them directly saying so, but that’s leprechauns for you.
      But again, what is really important to us and in the long run to them, is what they truly wish to be in an Elfin Faerie world, if anything at all. Do they have a place there? Do they wish a place there? Our opinions are just that, opinions and not necessarily any more valid than anyone else's opinion. But a person’s actions, hir magic manifests hir being and that cannot truly be denied although there are those who would attempt to do so.
      And, of course, there are those who think they are one thing, such as an elf, but haven’t really penetrated to the depth of what it means to be an elf, often projecting the ideas gleaned from stories written about us by those who aren’t elven, or continuing the habits and carrying the baggage of their life in the world not only upon their own conception of Elfin but attempting to project them upon us and thus to limit the rest of us as well. But of this we have little concern. For we are elves and thus they cannot restrict us with their notions. And if they are truly elfin, they will learn in time what that means for them as well as developing a tolerance for what it means for us. All that we can do in the gentle time is set an example for them by being the best elves we can be.

Who are the Half Elves?

Many novels speak of half elves and surely this comes from the idea of races as they are typically defined in the world today as being an aspect of physical manifestation with certain physical features, such as skin color, type of hair, shape of nose or lips, etc. Tolkien called Elrond, we believe, half elven.
      And surely if elves were a totally distinct physical type we could see the point in this, although not much of a point. However, we elves, particularly we Silver Elves, see race not so much as an aspect of physical characteristics but an aspect of character itself. It is a spiritual point of view rather than a material point of view. And in that sense, if we considered the Shining Ones to be purely elven, all of us who have yet to fully manifest ours’elves as elves are half elven or part elven, compared to them. We are in the process of becoming ever more elven by living our lives as elves.
      The simple fact is that while there are certain tendencies for elves considering physicality, there are no exact features that define elves. We tend to be thin, but not always. Really, we are inclined to be the right weight for the body type we’ve chosen to inhabit. We often look younger than our age would indicate but that is comparing ours’elves to the normal folk who so often abuse their bodies and wear them out. However, the many trials that an elf can face in this life, the challenges and sometimes tragedies that one endures can affect this. And looking at race the way men define it, which is primarily skin color, we elves can be of any race or people whatsoever.
      This is due to the fact that we are not only the Eldar/Elder race that is behind and at the root of all peoples, but because we have through time mixed with them both willingly, because, let’s face it, elves are often easy going in temperament; and because the more dominant peoples have forced themselves upon us. Also, because we are a spiritual folk many of us have developed the ability between incarnations to choose what body we wish to be born in, dropping into this or that physical race or group of people as need and quest or even serendipity directs us.
      For those who believe in the physical and genetic heritage of the elven, as we’ve descended from the Annunaki and the Scythians and other related tribes, the fact still holds true that we have merged with other peoples both willingly and unwillingly through the ages. This would seem to indicate that we are all in a sense half elven. Although Nicholas De Vere claimed he and a few others were of the pure elven bloodline, and this may be so. But genetics, because of the tendency to have dominant (dominating) and subdominant (otherkind) genes and tendencies, tells as that if two people offer their subdominant genes in the process of creation, we often get a relatively pure subdominant (elfin or other) type of being.
      In the long run, however, as we said previously, we elves are not so concerned with what genetic lineage we may have appeared to be derived from, because it is our elven nature and character that really illuminates our being.Ultimately, it is our own actions, our own magic that defines us. We are elves because we wish to be elves, because we have chosen to be elves, because our magic has made us elves. And in that sense, there are no half elves at all. We are all becoming more truly ours’elves but all perfect in potential in our inner being. While we may seem less than perfect in our manifestation in the world, more elven one day and less so the next, in the Elfin Realms we are completely and totally elven, although, we may be part pixie, or brownie or fae, as these elves are or some other combination.
      In Elfin, you become what you truly wish to be and what you put energy/magic toward being. No one is a half elf, or part elf, unless they wish to be. We know that this concept is hard for some folks to absorb, having become used to viewing the world from a materialistic point of view, which is to be expected in this Kala Yuga, the most material of ages, but in time all elves come to understand that we are granters of wishes and the first wish we ever granted was our own wish to be elves.
     If you enjoyed this article, you may also enjoy reading our blog article: What Does it Mean to Awaken to Our True Elven Nature? And be sure and scroll down this page you are presently viewing and take a look at the over 100 blog articles we have for you to read on a variety of questions relating to the Elven Way, Elven Magic and Living the Life Elfin.

The Silver Elves

See all 50+ of the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on Amazon US here:

"Elfin sings upon the dawn and dances through the whole day long 
Until the night doth gently rise with starlight cast upon our eyes, 
And love abounds and circles 'bout, 
And we greet the moon with howling shout."
—The Silver Elves

If you enjoyed the article above then you may also enjoy reading:
Can we be Born as one Type of Elf, Fae or Otherkin in One Life and Another Kin Type in a Different Incarnation?
How do You Discover What Sort of Elf or Otherkin Type You Are? And Do You Need to Know your Kin Type to be an Otherkin?

Please enjoy watching our new YouTube video presentation:

The Silver Elves Tarot Reading for the Elfae People for 2020!

The Silver Elves invite you to view our Youtube video presentation demonstrating the elven method of tarot reading and what we call the "Elven Shuffle," a unique way that we elves use shuffling the cards to allow the spirit world to select the cards in a reading. And we also give a general reading (using the "Elven Shuffle" for a complete Celtic Cross spread) and prediction for the Elven-Fae people for the year 2020! Then please do subscribe to our You Tube channel and we would love to read a comment from you in the comment section below the video. Many Elven Blessings, dear Kindred!

Want An Elf Name Gifted by The Silver Elves?

We Silver Elves have been gifting elf names for decades, now over 6,000 names, in our beautiful magical elven language, Arvyndase! If you are interested in having us gift you an elven name in Arvyndase, you are welcome to visit our website page "Want An Elf Name." There we give you suggestions for what to email us about yours'elf so we can give you a name that is magically fitting for you. 

Many people ask us which Silver Elves books to begin reading first and so we say, which ever sounds right to you, follow your elven intuition, as there is really no right order! You may wish to visit our Sample Our Books page on our Silver Elves website and read through the excerpts on each book. But if you would like a suggestion, you may wish to begin with one or more of these four books:

1. Through The Mists Of Faerie: A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Elven
This is our most popular book and one we highly recommend reading by anyone interested in elves, elven magic, elven lifestyle and the elven way.

2. The Elven Way:The Magical Path of the Shining Ones This is a companion book to Through the Mists of Faerie, but may be read in any order. It is also a very popular book and a good one to start with.

Below is the quote on the front of The Elven Way:

3. The Book of Elven Runes: A Passage Into Faerie

4. The Book of Elven Magick: The Philosophy and Enchantments of the Seelie Elves (see both Volume 1 & 2)

"People sometimes try to make the elfin jump through hoops, not realizing that for us every circle is a portal to another world. We may jump through their hoops but then it is very likely we will simply disappear into realms they do not realize even exist."
—The Silver Elves

A Gift For You!!!!!!What Sort of Elf, Faerie or Other Are You?
What is Your Magical Tribe?

For years various kindred have asked us, the Silver Elves, to help them figure this out. Now we've created a questionnaire to help us do so and to help you learn about your people, your magical tribe. This is our gift to you (free). Simply follow this link below and the directions and we will help you with your own personal narrative about your magical tribe. Each narrative is based on your answers to the questions and our intuition and is a unique narrative just for you. This is not a computer generated result and we Silver Elves concentrate on only one narrative a day to give you special consideration:

 And for further reading on your Elven, Faerie, Otherkin tribe:
otherkinstar_coverelftribesELF TRIBES: The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin and  FAERIE, FAE AND OTHERKIN TRIBES: The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin. Please click on the titles listed above to go to the pages on this blog that are dedicated to each book, where you can read more about them, view excerpts of sample magical narratives and also the table of contents from both books. Elf Tribes contains 150+ narratives of elven tribes, and Faerie, Fae and Otherkin Tribes contains another 150+ narratives of faerie and otherkin tribes. We also invite you to read ELVES, FAERIES, FAE, AND OTHERKIN TRIBES: More Descriptions of Otherworldly Folk. It is the third book in the series of Elf, Fae and Otherkin tribes by The Silver Elves. After publishing the first two books in this series, we Silver Elves continued to have many of our kindred fill out the kin type survey and contact us asking for a tribe narrative, so this third book in the series contains all of these new tribe narratives to this date and is dedicated to a variety of tribes of elven kind, faeries, fae that are faerie blends, otherkin, otherworldlies, and miscellaneous assorted fae. The 124 tribe narratives in this third volume are all newly published and are not found in the two previous books. Some of the narratives are a bit longer than those in the first two books. These tribe narratives will beautifully describe to you about their history, their unique powers, their unique magics and spiritual beliefs and practices, their way of governing, their spell crafting and herbal adeptship, along with their lifestyle and special creative interests and abilities.

Be sure and click on the title links above and read a few of these magical tribe narratives. Perhaps, you will find your people as you read through these two books, or kindred quite like them. At any rate, you can always do the survey yours’elf, or do it again if you feel you have come to a greater understanding of yours’elf and our peoples in the meantime (or gentle-time as we elves often say).

Hope You Enjoy Listening to this Podcast with the Silver Elves!  

Here is an hour-long podcast, in which Zardoa (MichaelLove) of the Silver Elves was interviewed in 2019 (scroll down on the link here and see Episode 1. 5) on his spiritual journey as an elf and about the elven community by Dr. Brandi Estey-Burtt and Dr. Clive Baldwin, for St. Thomas University, the Narratives of Spiritual Identity Project. In the first 16 minutes of the podcast, the researchers discuss their perceptions and research in general about otherkin and elves (this is most interesting) and then the interview with Zardoa follows. You can also down load a transcript below the podcast, but listening is of course far more fruitful. We Silver Elves had the pleasure of first meeting these researchers in our “United Otherkin Alliance” Facebook group and participating in their study.

The Silver Elves invite you to come join us in some of our elven and magical otherkin Facebook groups where you will find our elven-faerie-fae otherkin community interacting and sharing The Elven Way:

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves — And if you would like to find out more about our 50+ The Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, please do join us! We have discussions about our Silver Elves books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy, elven lifestyle and the Elven Way. If you have read our books and would like to discuss them with us, this is the place to come join in the discussions and ask also questions. And please do come share here in this group your own creative elven works of art, music, writing, crafts, or whatever you do to manifest Elfin in your life in your own way, as well as your thoughts and feelings about living the life Elfin.

Elven Life and Magic — A group for fae folk of all kinds.

Elvish Magical Chat — Posting and chatting all about elves, faeries, pixies, and magic!

The Faerie Circle — A group for the magical elfae folk. Be ever blest!

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon — A place to share your magic and enchantment with other elf witches! 

Faerie Craft —This is a group to share your elven and fae creations, and yes you are welcome to advertise your elfish/faerie crafts.

I Heart Elven Magic —For those who love Elfin Magic.

Feasting With the Elves (having fun sharing elven recipes and healthy eating) —

United Otherkin Alliance —
This is an alliance for Otherkin/ Therians, where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, fauns, unicorns, animal kin and all manner of Faerie Folk gather and come together! This group is open to anyone who wishes to be part of a congenial group of Otherkin.

The Elven Way  — This group creates a place for people to learn about the Elven Way and for Elves, Otherkin, and their friends to have a fun gathering place to enjoy each other’s company and share things on the path. It is open to anyone who wishes to learn about the Elven Way and friends of such.

Nature & the Unseen Realms with the Elves & otherkin. A spiritual journey —

Elfin Faerie Lore —  For Faeries and Elfin Folk. This group is for sharing elfin faerie lore, magic and life as Fae,

Silver Elves Embassy — This is a a place of rest and gathering together to relax and share our stories, dreams for the future, and magic of our elfin adventures.

"Sing bright songs of tomorrow today
To bring a better future winging our way."

 —Olde Elven Saying)

We wish you Elven Blessings, dear Kindred!

If you are elves, why don’t you have pointed ears?

"Our bodies die and fade, changing from lifetime to lifetime, but our character endures and informs our being throughout incarnati...