"To our minds, the difficulty here doesn't lie in associating faeries with flowers or plants or with one of the various elementals, but thinking that such associations and activities are all that they do and are the basis of their existence. And that's the point. Not all elves nor all faeries can be categorized under one umbrella of interest and activity in the world."
There are some
people who say that faeries are nature spirits and certainly in as much as we
are all born of and a part of Nature, we are all nature spirits. But in saying
that, it would be like saying we wood elves are tree spirits or forest spirits,
which is also true but not entirely accurate. We are forest spirits, in a sense,
but we are more than that and unlike dryads or tree nymphs we are not tied to a
particular tree or forest. Still, the association is not without some truth to
it, even if it is only partial truth.
There are also
those who say that faeries are elemental spirits in the form of sylphs
associated with the air, due to their wings, of course, and gnomes related to
the earth elemental and undines to the water. How salamanders got in that line
up as fire spirits, we are uncertain. We'd have picked will o' wisps but, oh
well. And there are
those folks who associate faeries with flowers and see them as the astral
caretakers of the growth of plants and flowers. In this line of thought they
are the invisible spirits who give the flowers energy during their growth
cycle. While we Silver Elves have never heard of it, we suppose there might
even be ban sidhe faeries who sing and howl just before a plant begins to fade
way and die.
To our minds, the
difficulty here doesn't lie in associating faeries with flowers or plants or
with one of the various elementals, but thinking that such associations and
activities are all that they do and are the basis of their existence. And that's the
point. Not all elves nor all faeries can be categorized under one umbrella of
interest and activity in the world. We do different things and have various
associations, educations and types of magic that we wield. We elves are simply
not all the same and we expect the same is true for the faeries. Many of us are here and we are elfae born in human bodies, although frequently some folk are determined that elves and faeries can only manifest in ephemeral form. And those of us from the realm of Faerie that do manifest in ephemeral form are as varied as those of us incarnated in human or other living forms.
Do some faeries
care for flowers? Certainly. Do some work with and associate with various
elementals? We expect that they do, especially in their activity as incarnated faerie
witches. Some may also be caregivers, librarians, nurses, doctors, martial
artists and many other things. We wouldn't expect that you would find many
faerie folk among the policing services, but you never know. And surely some of
them are military veterans. One time an elf serving in the military in Germany
sent us a wonderful acute angled, seven-pointed elf star made with puka (phooka?)
Obviously, we
have some things in common as elves or as faeries, including our love of the
elven star, which they call the faerie star, but mostly that is an interest in
our ancient culture that we share. Otherwise, we are very different as
individuals. Different in our styles somewhat. Certainly, different in our
personalities, our opinions and much else. In fact, we elf and faerie folk are,
for the most part, more diverse than normal humanity overall.
The reason for
this is that while normal folk love to have everything categorized and placed
in nice, tiny little boxes, whether the things actually fit in them or not, we
elfae folk embrace diversity as a cultural practice. We are a society of
eccentrics and so naturally our individual manifestations in the world are
going to be hard to pin down and categorize. The mere fact that we are elves,
faeries, pixies, gnomes, brownies, mermaids, undines, kelpies, selkies,
hobgoblins and many, many other kinds of fae folk, in itself, speaks to our
natural tendency to individuate as a people. To normal folk, doing something
different than the rest of society is suspicious and a cause for concern. To we
elfae folk, persistently imitating others without any personal expression or
variation would arouse our concern.
So, are faeries
nature spirits? Yes, of course, as we all are. But they are much else as well,
each in their own way.
Fardas Lovur Tae Lan (Dancing toward the dawn),
The Silver Elves
And if you enjoyed the article above, we suggest that you also read our articles below on the Elven Way and the Realm of Faerie:
What is the Difference Between the Elven Way and the Fairy Faith?
What’s the Difference Between Elves and Faeries?
Can One Be Both an Elf and a Faerie?
How Do We Elves Relate to the Seasonal Courts of Faerie?
And now for some fun hanging out with the Silver Elves on YouTube!
We invite you to come enjoy viewing an hour long YouTube video of The Silver Elves in a conversational presentation on The Modern Elven Movement and The Elven Way at Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore in Atlanta, GA, on March 2018, at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0sv3OHkjRw
For some further reading on the Elven Way, we suggest:
"The Elven Way passes beyond the fields of the known
into the forest of the unknown illuminated by the glow of the elves."
(quote on the top of the book cover)
THE ELVEN WAY: The Magical Path of the Shining Ones describes the Mystical, Magical, Spiritual Path of the Elf folk and their connection to the Shining Ones, those supra-dimensional beings who are our guides, guardians, ancient kindred and the source of Elven enlightenment. The Elven Way takes the reader beyond the field of the known and lays the road into the forest of unknown, revealing new, wonderful and exciting secrets about the world of Magic, the Path of the Elves and the rich Elven heritage. This book is about High Elven Spirituality and Magick, the philosophy of the Elven Way, and the teachings of the Elves. It is written for all elves and all those interested in learning more about and following the Elven Path, for advanced Elven adepts and magical folk of all kinds. The Elven Way reveals much about the Shining Ones, who are the ancient elves and our guardians, our Eldars, who are highly advanced and divine beings that help and protect the modern Elven folk today. It explores both the psychological and the spiritual component of the Elven folk and the development of this component! The Elven Way provides a vast reservoir of knowledge about how this world is arranged and how it works, who the elves are, and what is the Elven Spiritual Path!
We Silver Elves will soon be publishing a volume two of What An Elf Would Do,
so if you have not yet enjoyed reading volume now, we think you will truly enjoy it.
What An Elf Would Do:
A Magical Guide to the Manners and Etiquette of the Faerie Folk
WHAT AN ELF WOULD DO: A Magical Guide to the Manners and Etiquette of the Faerie Folk by The Silver Elves is a wry, sly, often tongue in cheek view of how elves see and interact with the world of the Normal folk as well as with Otherkind of all sorts. It is designed to help the elfin everywhere to move through the often mysterious cultures of mankind with confidence and ease.
Gaea de las Aguas writes on Amazon in her review of What An Elf Would Do:

“Think of this as “Ms. Manners” for the Otherkin set. Ever wondered how to handle yourself with grace and style whilst traversing the mundane realms? Let this tome be your guide! Lessons on how to present oneself as a skilled and artful Noble are here in abundance. Insight into human behavior patterns and tips on how to deal with difficult personality quirks are found on just about every page. Delivered with a lovely sense of humour (I’ve laughed out loud many times), the Silver Elves bring us a reference guide to assist with polishing our manners and bringing etiquette back to our daily lives.”

Another Bit of Fun for Elfae! This is a game to play using random numbers that you choose to find your type of magic making. To play, choose 3 random numbers, the first between 1 and 13, the second between 1 and 19, and the third between 1 and 17. Then use the 3 numbers to find in the lists below: your kin type, elemental association, and style of magic. Read these together and this is your magic wielder title. For instance, if you had picked number 1 for all three random numbers, you would be an Elfin Moon Enchanter! Whatever you choose, “Congratulations!”
And you can discover much more in depth about your magical nature as you make your way through the Elven Tree of Life Eternal on our Silver Elves website here: https://silverelves.angelfire.com/elftree.html
We also invite you to join our elven and otherkin groups on Facebook, dear Kindred! Here is our vision for the groups as a virtual community:
For those wishing to join our many Silver Elves groups for Elfae and also friends of Elfae on Facebook, here is fairly complete list below of ones that we administer: You are all invited to any and all of them! We envision our 16+ Elfae Facebook groups as all connected (so in a way all one big elfae community group) and so going from one to the other is like meandering or flying around and being in a large elven community. It is like beautiful and enchanting large multi-story house that is inhabited by a number of elfae groups: (bottom floor has three private groups inside: The Elven Wayand also Feasting with the Elves with a big kitchen and dining area for chatting, along with the Elven Homegroup); (second floor has the Faerie Craft group with a large display studio for elfae art); and (in the attic is the Elven Oracles Group where group oracle readings are always being shared). There are also lots of large enclosed or screened in porches off the main house (where you will find: Magical Books of the Silver Elves, Elfin Faerie Lore, Elven Life and Magicand We Adore Elves); there are also two gazebos, one is outside in the front lawn for Elvish Magical Chat and the other is in the back yard for I heart Elven Magic; an open circle outside around the bonfire to the side of the house for the Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon group; a quaint tree house out front for Elfae Tree Folk to meet; a faerie circle that is a bit beyond the back of the house in the forest for The Faerie Circle group to meet; and at the front gate is a cozy elfae cottage for those first entering to be greeting in the group Silver Elves Embassy. There is also a path from the house that wanders down to the creek and goes through where the group Nature and the Unseen Realms with the Elves and Otherkin meet and also that leads to meeting placesfor United Otherkin Alliance and its private sister group. So please do come join us in any and all of our groups:
Elven Home — https://www.facebook.com/groups/1712981718807166 This is an enchanting and private place for all elfae folk to share in cozy comfort. Feel free to share anything elfae related, and please do share (with images when you can) all about your own Eald (Elven Home) and the special aspects of it that make it your own enchanting elfin space. *
Elfae Tree Folk— https://www.facebook.com/groups/499002196782965 A place to share anything about the beloved trees that we elfae love so very dear and about life as a tree folk. This group is for you to spread your elven light through the day & the night and the forest. *
The Magical Books of the Silver Elves — https://www.facebook.com/groups/539205916250397 And if you would like to find out more about our 50+ The Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, please do join us! We have discussions about our Silver Elves books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy, elven lifestyle and the Elven Way. If you have read our books and would like to discuss them with us, this is the place to come join in the discussions and ask also questions. And please do come share here in this group your own creative elven works of art, music, writing, crafts, or whatever you do to manifest Elfin in your life in your own way, as well as your thoughts and feelings about living the life Elfin. *
Elven Life and Magic — A group for fae folk of all kinds posting their magic and how they manifest living as an elfae. https://www.facebook.com/groups/629491797123886
Elvish Magical Chat — Posting and chatting all about elves, faeries, pixies, and magic! https://www.facebook.com/groups/307775362744491
The Faerie Circle — A group for the magical elfae folk. Be ever blest!https://www.facebook.com/groups/1025483294180077
Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon — A place to share your magic and enchantment with other elf witches! https://www.facebook.com/groups/806583242768352
Faerie Craft —This is a group to share your elven and fae creations, and yes you are welcome to advertise your elfish/faerie crafts. https://www.facebook.com/groups/395403367195312
I Heart Elven Magic — For those who love Elfin Magic. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2215672296
Feasting With the Elves (having fun sharing elven recipes and healthy eating) — https://www.facebook.com/groups/597948240617006
United Otherkin Alliance —https://www.facebook.com/groups/328253710566869 This is an alliance for Otherkin/ Therians, where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, fauns, unicorns, animal kin and all manner of Faerie Folk gather and come together! This group is open to anyone who wishes to be part of a congenial group of Otherkin. And its sister private group: *United Otherworld Friendshttps://www.facebook.com/groups/UnitedOtherworldFriends
The Elven Way — This group creates a place for people to learn about the Elven Way and for Elves, Otherkin, and their friends to have a fun gathering place to enjoy each other's company and share things on the path. It is open to anyone who wishes to learn about the Elven Way and friends of such. https://www.facebook.com/groups/165938637423212
Nature & the Unseen Realms with the Elves & otherkin. A spiritual journey — This is a very active elven and otherkin group posting those generally unnoticed realms and wonders of Nature. https://www.facebook.com/groups/196916350335537
Elfin Faerie Lore — For Faeries and Elfin Folk. This group is for sharing elfin faerie lore, magic and life as Fae. https://www.facebook.com/groups/975038062512421
Silver Elves Embassy — This is a place of rest and gathering together to relax and share our stories, dreams for the future, and magic of our elfin adventures. We Silver Elves share some of our magical tales and adventures in this group that have lead us to further embrace the Shining Ones. https://www.facebook.com/groups/206231890276255
We Adore Elves — This group is just a little hideaway for us to all come share our love for elves and elven and our elfin-faerie creativity as we manifest Elven in our lives. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Elfae
Also do look for our other elfae groups on Facebook: Elfae Spirituality Group, Elfae Tree Folk, Elven Oracles Group, and Elfin Faerie Lore.
"There is no physical feature or features that make someone elven,
what makes someone elven is the magic of their spirit
and the wonder of their soul."
—The Silver Elves