Friday, February 8, 2019

Who Were the Elf Queen's Daughters?

"Arwen and Elanor [founders of the Elf Queen's Daughters] were enchantresses and very adept witches, and they had an incredible ability to awaken the elfin spirit in those they encountered and an amazing ability to get people enthused about life, magic and the possibilities for the future.... To be around them, even for a short period of time was to be touched by the otherworldly."  

(The image above is a photo taken by The Silver Elves of an original acrylic painting by Zardoa Silverstar entitled, “Dragon Sorcerer” and is on the cover of Sorcerers' Dialogues, book 2 of the Books of Correspondence Between the Silver Elves and the Founders of the Elf Queen's Daughters.)

     The Elf Queen's Daughters (EQD) were a sisterhood, which being elven included both males and females, that was primarily active from 1974 to 1977. They wrote fascinating esoteric letters of elven lore and philosophy, and created the Elf Magic Mail, sending out three letters each week for about two years or so (see the two volumes of these letters, Elf Magic Mail volume 1 and also Volume 2, that we published with the help of our sisters who founded that sisterhood. There are also our own Silver Elves commentaries contained in the books to go along with each letter). The letters were always free, although, occasionally a letter would make a request for donations of stamps to help with the mailing cost. At their height, the EQD mailing list had somewhere over 300 snail mail addresses in the USA, including a few in France and Spain. Why three letters a week? That was how many you could put in a regular envelope for one postage stamp. Within months of their first publication, other kindred joined the sisters and established vortexes around the U.S. where those interested, who had heard the Call, could write to awakened elves.    
     According to a popular history of otherkin website, the sisterhood began in the northwest coast in Oregon or Washington. That is not actually correct, although we did have a vortex (an elven coven) there. In fact, the two sisters who founded the sisterhood came from Illinois. One from Chicago and the other from Southern Illinois. They were Arwen, also known as Susie Creamcheese, and Elanor, known as Mary Sunshine. They were visiting Carbondale, Ill. in 1974 when they channeled a spirit through the Ouija board, with which they were experts, who told them to start the Elf Queen's Daughters.
     Shortly after that they moved to a farm in Worthington, Ohio and began publishing the Elf Magic Mail. About a year after that, however, they began an entrepreneurial business which enabled them to travel and make money so they set forth on the road, visiting elven kindred and Awakening them wherever they encountered them. During this period, they helped elves to initiate over a dozen vortexes throughout the USA and at least one in Europe (France). One such vortex was started in Carbondale, Illinois, in 1975 by Zardoa Silverstar of the EQD, which he called The Elves of the Southern Woodlands. Later in 1979 after the EQD disband, Zardoa along with Silver Flame migrated to Florida and then California and we called ourselves The Silver Elves.
     The EQD first awakenings, however, came from Chicago where Arwen had been a high school teacher and had developed a devoted following among some of her students who turned out to be elven. Arwen and Elanor were enchantresses and very adept witches, and they had an incredible ability to awaken the elfin spirit in those they encountered and an amazing ability to get people enthused about life, magic and the possibilities for the future. They lived their magic, made it real through their lives, and you could feel it. To be around them, even for a short period of time was to be touched by the otherworldly.
     But they didn't just hang out with elves. They made friends everywhere they went. They knew and were friends with many of the notables of the pagan and wiccan communities of that time. They were friends with Oberon (at the time Otter) and MorningGlory Zell Ravenheart, with Z Budapest, Alison Harlow and many others. A number of the letters of the Elf Magic Mail appeared in various issues of the earliest incarnation of the Green Egg Magazine.
      We have already written a great deal about how the founders of the Elf Queen's Daughters in the 70s were the first to adopt the 7-pointed-acute star as the Elven star and how they would often use it on their publications (see blog article: Is it the Elf Star or the Faerie Star? And Who First Adopted the Seven-Pointed Star as the Elf Star and What Does it mean?). This symbol of the Elven Movement, the 7 pointed star,  not only had a great influence on the gathering of elves and the Elven Movement in modern USA, but also of the Otherkin movement to follow.  Many feel the Otherkin movement had its roots in the EQD, as they were the first public Elven group. We also know in history that all movements grow and develop when they have a common symbol to share and communicate a feeling of collective belonging, and certainly the EQD contributed this to the Elven Movement, as well as to the Faeries and Otherkin who would follow in the adoption of the 7 pointed star. 
     We first encountered and joined the sisters in early 1975 and while the letters they circulated only continued for a couple more years, we Silver Elves later started our own version called the Magical Elven Love Letters in 1979-80. And while the EQD retreated from actively awakening elves, we continue to be friends and sisters to this day.
     And they for their part, which is to say Arwen, Elanor and Loriel and, at a distance, other sisters, continued their esoteric studies, producing over 500 cassette tapes of weekly esoteric talks. We participated in these talks, giving some presentations ours'elves, in the late 1990's and early 2000's, we also continued our quest to awaken elven and elfae in the world. Alas, while we still communicate by email and on Facebook, we elves now live in Hawaii, so visiting them just doesn't happen anymore, although they have come to visit us a number of times over the years as they also are quite spiritually connected to these beloved isles.
     We must say, we miss their manifestation as the Elf Queen's Daughters, yet, we honor their decision to proceed upon an esoteric path that was wider and a bit more mainstream than the elven path sometimes tends to be. Indeed, we honor all our kindred who choose, at whatever point, to go a different way, either for a time or forever. And each and every one we send forth with our blessings for success and enlightenment upon their path, whatever path they may choose. And quite often, in time, they return to us and we await them with open arms. 

La tae lun u Eldat te vari elsorin (By the light of Elfin be ever blessed),

The Silver Elves

If you are interested in The Elf Queen's Daughters, please see our two volumes that contain all their original letters (from the mid 70s) sent out to their vortexes as Elf Magic Mail. These are fascinating letters and truly enchanting.

Click here to view a sample letter, The Primordial Egg, in book 1 and about the book: Elf Magic Mail: Book 1,The Original Letters of The Elf Queen’s Daughters With Commentary by The Silver Elves and  The Winged Star, in book 2: Elf Magic Mail: Book 2,The Original Letters of The Elf Queen’s Daughters With Commentary by The Silver Elves.

“Our names have been called,
 our song has been sung.
We are ready to dance with the Goddess,
and if you but read and see clearly,
but for a moment..
we are glad, so very, very glad
to have you with us.”

. . . .The Elf Queen’s Daughters

“It is not the good old days of yesteryear that we elves hunger for,
so much as making this moment
the best we can  
so they will be the good old days to come.”

. . . . The Silver Elves

'Rings of Fire' (Circle) is an Elf Magic Mail letter that was sent out by the Elf Queen’s Daughters from Cleveland Heights, Ohio, in the mid 70s, and is one of many such magical letters contained in its entirety in the book Elf Magic Mail, Book 1, (along with commentaries by The Silver Elves): 



… of the whole of MOTHER EARTH’S VAST POTENTIAL. And, what we do in circle is the true mirror reflection of how close to HER we are or would become.
For all the inner sisters, each union/communion is as a circle … each gathering with other sisters is a form of a circle, no matter how informal. And these circles expand and grow, including all we contact … drawing in the mass of humanity within the ring of fire.
SO MANY YEARS WE HELD OUR CIRCLES CLOSED … LIMITED … BOUND BY FEAR AND PARANOIA. NOW! Sisters, now we grow, we expand … not by proselytizing … not by grasping … but by circles of ever greater magnitude.....
....GATHER THE ENERGY NOW, SISTERS, FOR THE INITIATION OF A NEW AGE … A NEW PEOPLE … make greater circles, not in their size, but in your growing awareness of new direction.

Also you will get a true understanding of the depth of esoteric knowledge these two sisters shared by reading the four Books of Correspondence Between the Silver Elves and the Founders of the Elf Queen's Daughters (there is no particular order in which you need to read). Each of these four books are a collection of letters with dominate themes of sorcery, the Manu, the Shinning One who is the inspiration for the evolution of humanity in this age, Esoteric Buddhisim, Elven magic and culture, Tolkien, the supra-dimensional and necromancy.

Please click on the titles below to read sample letters from and all about the 'Books of Correspondence Between the Silver Elves and the Founders of the Elf Queen's Daughters':
4. Ruminations on Necromancy

. . . . throughout the passing ages. Tens of thousands of years come to a peak in a visionary now-ness, allowing for insight-hindsight. The sage can gaze forward and backwards, making hope possible for the people. We share our revelations and before you know it, another culture is born.”
—Arwen and Elanor (Founders of the Elf Queen's Daughters) in MAGIC TALKS, from the beginning of Letter No. 1 . . . . In the Stardust of The Akaskic Record (Read the entire Letter and commentary by The Silver Elves here!)

Attention Dear Kindred! Come listen to the elves speaking Arvyndase!

Have you always wanted to hear elves speak in Arvyndase, the magical language of The Silver Elves? Come listen! Just published our first You Tube video in our new The Silver Elves channel. And we would love it if you would please subscribe, like and comment!



What Kind of Elf or Otherkin Are You?
And What is Your Elfae or Otherkin Tribe?

For years various kindred have asked us, the Silver Elves, to help them figure this out. You probably know if you are an elf, faerie, or otherkin but now we've created a questionnaire in order to help us and you create a narrative together about your specific people and your clan, their personal characteristics, magic, relationship to Nature, and interests. This is our gift to you (free), which we think will be a bit of fun for both of us. Give us five minutes of your time and we will give you a half hour to forty minutes of ours and send you your unique magical narrative. Simply follow this link and the directions on that page:


And Something New for Diviners to check out!
The Silver Elves have several original Elven divination systems that have been created to be used
by Elfae and all other interested diviners, including The Elven Star Oracle,
Elven Geomancy, and our most recent oracle system:
An Original Oracle of the Elfin Peoples of the Ancient Future


     This original oracle system uses the Sacred Magical Treasures of The Silver Elves as a base. There are ten of these Sacred Magical Treasures of The Silver Elves in all: The Orb of Healing, The Wand of Wishing, The Coin of the Realm, The Feather of Truth Telling, The Magic Mirror of Reflection, The Sack of Giving, The Philtre of True Love, The Phial of Eternal Youth, The Elf Horns of Calling and the The Torch of the Eternal Silver Flame.
     You may ask of the oracle to give you a general reading of what is to come in your life, in which case you will use all the tokens. Or you may wish to ask a very specific question, like, "What is my power in this situation?" In which case, you may wish to only use the Personal Charm. Or you may ask, "In what fashion will the spirits help me?" and then the Otherworldly Charm might be best. Or if you want to know what is behind the situation, what karma or fate has brought you to this circumstance, then the Small Stone might be the wisest choice. But for a balanced reading, it is perhaps best to throw all the magical objects, either together or one at a time to see the various aspects of the situation and get a full view of what is going on. To read an excerpt and more about this book,  please click here!

Turn up the volume, dear Elven Kindred, for this enchanting Faerie song will take you to the magical realm of Elfin! Thank you, dear Chloe Fairy for singing our The Silver Elves poem so very beautifully on your Youtube Chanel. Click here to be completely enchanted:

And if you would like to read this one and more of our poems, see An Elven Game of Rhymes: Book Two of the Magical Poems of Zardoa Silverstar by The Silver Elves on Amazon. 



The Silver Elves invite you to come join us in some of our elven and magical otherkin Facebook groups where you will find our elven-faerie-fae otherkin community interacting and sharing the Elven Way:

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon — 

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves — — And if you would like to find out more about our Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, please do join us! We have discussions about our Silver Elves books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy, elven lifestyle and the Elven Way. If you have read our books and would 

like to discuss them with us, this is the place to come join in the discussions and ask questions. 

Faerie Craft — — This is a group to share your elven and fae creations.

Feasting With the Elves (sharing elven recipes)

United Otherkin Alliance — This is an alliance for Otherkin/ Therians, where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, fauns, unicorns, animal kin and all manner of Faerie Folk gather and come together! This group is open to anyone who wishes to be part of a congenial group of Otherkin. 

The Elven Way and Friends —

Devayana: Buddhism, Vedic, & Asian Spirituality for Elves and Fae

When elves first awaken to the realization of who they really are, there is often a euphoria that sets in, but this enchantment only ever lasts for a short while and then grounded once more the individual is faced with the fact that magic, even elfin magic, requires effort and a decision to go on.”

. . . .The Silver Elves

Elven Blessings, Dear Kindred!

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Why Do The Silver Elves Use the "Royal We"

"... to our minds when we write our books or in fact correspond with our kindred, we are writing not only for ours’elves but for our entire elven family and all those kindred of ours who happen to agree with us. ... In part, this tendency perhaps derives from our time when we were part of the Elf Queen’s Daughters (EQD) back in the mid 1970’s. ... The sisters used to say, “We are of One Heart and One Mind,” and they meant that rather literally, that they were so close psychically that it was in certain ways hard to tell them apart."

     When we use to post to Elven Listserves in the 90s, we often had individuals who would ask us, usually with a touch of hostility and a challenging tone, about why we used the Royal We when writing. We explained to them that we were not necessarily using the Royal We but were in fact a family of elves and thus were using the pronoun, we, correctly as far as we could tell, and honestly although we were raised, or is that reared, speaking English, it has always seemed a foreign language to us. But we are fairly certain that when a letter or correspondence, which for the most part our writings really are, a sort of love letter and correspondence with and to our kindred, is sent from more than one person that we is the proper pronoun to use.
      And to our minds when we write our books or in fact correspond with our kindred, we are writing not only for ours’elves but for our entire elven family and all those kindred of ours who happen to agree with us. In part, this tendency perhaps derives from our time when we were part of the Elf Queen’s Daughters (EQD) back in the mid 1970’s. In that sisterhood, who published three letters of the Elf Magic Mail (see our two books of that title that have the contents of those original letters) each week and sent them out by snail mail and also wrote to hundreds of elves and elf friends via personal correspondence around the United States and in Europe, it was quite common not only for various members to contribute a sentence or paragraph to one of the letters of the Elf Magic Mail, but to answer correspondence individually for and as the group.
      We remember when we first went to visit our sisters (and brothers, but in the EQD we were all considered sisters), Melryn and the other three elves of that vortex (elven coven) had to go off to work for the day and left us at the vortex to answer letters that had been sent to them. They had a metal filing cabinet full of correspondence both old and pending and Melryn said to us to just pick any that called to us and to write to them on their behalf. So we did. One of the letters we particularly liked was from a French magician with whom we continued correspondence from our own vortex in Southern Illinois, where we called ours’elves the Elves of the Southern Woodlands. A year or so later, he traveled from France to visit us.
      The sisters used to say, “We are of One Heart and One Mind,” and they meant that rather literally, that they were so close psychically that it was in certain ways hard to tell them apart. They functioned from their point of view like a flock of birds and had the psychic interconnection of porpoises and dolphins. Andruil once said to us: “We all write the Elf Magic Mail and no one can tell which of us wrote what.”
      We remember one particular personal letter these elves received from Arwen and Elanor, who founded the Elf Queen’s Daughters, in which they wrote to us saying, “Speak for us.” And they meant that quite literally. By those simple words they authorized us to represent them and the sisterhood, which is in part why a few years later in 1979, after they had relinquished writing The Elf Magic Mail, we began our own letters The Magical Elven Love Letters, which were essentially a continuation of those letters and which eventually evolved into our books (see our books The Magical Elven Love Letters, volume 1, 2, & 3).
      At the same time, it should be noted that all elves are royal and we could each and everyone of us use the Royal We if we so choose. However, it is important to understand that in Elfin, royalty is not a position of authority, except over one’s own s’elf, but a recognition of one’s essential value as a soulful spirit. Just as Aleister Crowley wrote in The Book of the Law that, “Every Man and Woman is a Star,” so too is every elf of royal heritage with the right/rite to rule hir own life and direct hir destiny as sHe see fit.

Fost Tae Lodver (Touch the Truth),
The Silver Elves

See all 45+ of the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on Amazon US here:

and on Amazon UK here:

"In paradise we wait for you upon the Elfin shore, 
and trust that you will join us soon to live forever more."
—The Silver Elves

Also, we welcome you to come join us on Facebook under Michael J. Love (Zardoa of the SilverElves) and Martha Char Love (SilverFlame of the SilverElves).

And please do come to our website and enjoy reading samples and reader's reviews of all our 40+ books on magic and enchantment and the elven way at:

If you enjoyed this article, you may be interested in reading some of our Magical Elven Love Letters, of which some we have posted here on our website for you to enjoy reading, including:
Schools of Magic,
You Don't have to Be an Elf to Be an Elf,
and Elven Organization

This includes some archived ones as well:
Magic Without Madness,  
Hobbits and Halfings,
Missing Them,
The Magic,
Elven Realities,
Acquired Taste,
Adapting the Magic,

We hope you enjoy our letters and you are welcome to reproduce these letters on your site as long as you give us due credit.

You may also purchase our The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1, Volume 2 and also Volume 3, now available on Amazon, with a compilation of hundreds of letters we have sent to our Otherkin since 1979. Each of these three books is a collection of letters with dominate themes of what it means to be an elf and the elven way of life, the Shinning Ones, Elven magic and elven culture. These letters were written by The Silver Elves to encourage elves to awaken to their Elfin nature, to be true to their individual destiny, and to embrace their starry heritage. They are filled with Elven Philosophy and observe the world from the point of view of the Elves, which is often quite unique from how most people view and experience the world; and their unique Elven Philosophy of Magic that is often similar and yet distinct from traditional theories and methods of magic.

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1
This book contains our very first Magical Elven Love Letters and a few of our early internet letters.

Please click here to enjoy reading a sample letter from
The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1:
letter number 1-15. . . . a crystal is a million stars united

“The way to Elfin is found on the path

That weaves through the Misty Forest

That lives between the Mountain of Vision

And the River of Reality”

The Silver Elves, The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1  

The continuation of our internet letters with a few early letters that were not in the first book. You can find samples of these letters on various sites all over the web, for they were some of our most popular letters and have been copied and spread around frequently. It is not necessary to read Volume 1 before reading and enjoying Volume 2. These letters give the reader an experiential understanding of what it is to be an elf and enter the realm of Faerie and Magick.

This book is the continuation of our internet letters from before 2000 and the majority are letters we wrote in the process of our journey to relocate to Hawaii and also all the letters upon moving to paradise, with accounts of our encounters with the Menehuni and the unfolding magic of the isles.  This volume 3 completes the trilogy.


What Sort of Elf, Faerie or Other Are You? What is Your Magical Tribe?

For years various kindred have asked us, the Silver Elves, to help them figure this out. Now we've created a questionnaire to help us do so. This is our gift to you. Simply follow the link and the directions here and we will send you your magical narrative designed individually for you.


THE MAGICAL REALMS OF ELFIN: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path contains questions and answers about being elven that many people who are exploring the Elven Way have posed to The Silver Elves throughout the 40 + years that they have been living and sharing the Elven Way. The Silver Elves have put them all in this one book for all those who need a convenient, yet thorough and easy-to-read, resource to explore their questions about who the modern elves are and about the Elven Way or elven spiritual path — past, present and future. If you are curious about elves and want to learn more about modern elves and the Elven Path, then you will surely find this book to contain many of your questions answered and it will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to the Magical Realms of Elfin.

See all 45+ of the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on Amazon US here:

and on Amazon UK here:


"When elves say that every elf is a star, we not only mean it in a Cosmic way that each elf is a unique manifestation of the Light of the Universe but we also mean it in a Hollywood way that every elf is a radiant personality manifesting enchantment in the world."

The Silver Elves invite you to come join us in some of our elven and magical otherkin Facebook groups where you will find our elven-faerie-fae otherkin community interacting and sharing the Elven Way:

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon — 

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves — — And if you would like to find out more about our Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, please do join us! We have discussions about our Silver Elves books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy, elven lifestyle and the Elven Way. If you have read our books and would like to discuss them with us, this is the place to come join in the discussions and ask questions.

Elven Life and Magic —

Elvish Magical Chat —

The Faerie Circle —

Faerie Craft — — This is a group to share your elven and fae creations.

United Otherkin Alliance — This is an alliance for Otherkin/ Therians, where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, fauns, unicorns, animal kin and all manner of Faerie Folk gather and come together! This group is open to anyone who wishes to be part of a congenial group of Otherkin.

We also invite you to some of our family groups in which we Silver Elves are co-administering/assisting other elves and otherkin administrators:

The Elven Way and Friends —

Delicious Recipes from Elven Lands —

Devayana: Buddhism, Vedic, & Asian Spirituality for Elves and Fae

If you are elves, why don’t you have pointed ears?

"Our bodies die and fade, changing from lifetime to lifetime, but our character endures and informs our being throughout incarnati...