Ancient Healing Rocks of Hawaii charged magically by Polynesian Shamans
"While a rock doesn't have a soul of its own, it does, overtime, absorb the energy around it and the longer that energy form stays together, the longer the rock exists, the more it tends to acquire a wholistic energetic nature, so that in the future this energy form tends to reformulate its'elf into something that does have a soulful spirit. . . . From the elven point of view, the all of life is evolving toward consciousness and perfection. . . . We are not our bodies, we are spirits inhabiting our bodies/forms. Rocks may be inhabited by spirits that are just not yet powerful enough to create whole living forms. And in time they can acquire spirits, individual spirits, and through the process of evolution of this spirit, develop a soulful relationship to others and become living beings as they do so who rather like statues can be looked up to and admired by others."
The answer is yes sort of, but not really, but kind of and it's a work in progress. Rocks are not organic wholes in terms of being living beings in the way that birds, insects, flora, animals and people are. They are composed of energy, of atoms, as all things are, but these atoms have only united in a relatively temporary bond, like most relationships and marriages these days. Thus, rocks don't have souls even though they do have a transitory form, but that is true of all forms, isn't it?
On the other hand, all things, all forms, all structures that are not organic and living wholes, can become repositories for spirit energies. This is the idea of places of worship that are said to be the sacred houses of the Divine, usually the home of someone's demi-gods or gods, although these gods usually have many homes, summer homes, winter homes, and places here and there all over the city. They are gods so, of course, they're rich.
The temple, church, mosque, sanctuary, or whatever becomes the clothes, so to speak, the home or house of the spirit. This is also the idea, on a somewhat smaller scale with teraphim, statues that become the houses for particular spirits. And it is also the idea surrounding images of one's particular demi-god or one's especially 'revealed and inspired by the Divine' holy book and other such inanimate objects that become instilled with a particular energy like crosses sometimes are, swastikas, Stars of David and so forth. Even, we expect, that the Elven Star will become so charged in time.
This same idea is extended to houses in general when they are said to be haunted, but even more so when they are said to be possessed, in which malevolent spirits take over the house and terrify people by backing up the toilet, making strange sounds, having the floorboard creak and break underfoot and otherwise turn the crumbling house into a money pit. Plus, all the truly scary stuff they do in movies.
Rocks, also, as for example Stonehenge, take on the energy of the Divine and the sense of the sacred from association with the devotees, druids, witches etc. that have performed their magic among them both in ancient and modern times. Because of this, rocks and stones become enlivened, we might say, by the spirit that lives within them. And in being so, begin to attune to a certain soulfulness of their own. They don't have individual spirits as yet, but they begin to develop spirits through their soulful contact with living spirits. This, in magic, is called the Law of Contagion. In forensics and police science, this is a matter of 'transfer'. We leave things in places we go and we pick up things from our contact with other things. These are the clues that police look for at a crime scene.
While a rock doesn't have a soul of its own, it does, overtime, absorb the energy around it and the longer that energy form stays together, the longer the rock lives so to speak, the more it tends to acquire a wholistic energetic nature, so that in the future this energy form tends to reformulate its'elf into something that does have a soulful spirit. Or, really from an Elven point of view in which soul signifies our relationship to other things, rocks have souls, in as much as they absorb and give off energy, but are developing spirits of their own.
If you break a rock into two pieces, it does not die like a person as it is not an organic living being (although it is organic). But both parts will still absorb and emit energy, which is in essence a soulful connection to other things. Either piece could be inhabited by spirit, as say (on a smaller scale) becoming like more than one church in town of the same denomination. But having once been together as pieces of rock, they still have an energetic link between them. And in that sense, they are like worms that get cut in half and grow a complete body from each half. Either half can develop a spirit or they can form one spirit from their previous unity together, depending on how long they had been together. Since individuality itself is not hereditary but based more on experience, the two halves of the worms would more likely become like identical twins through the course of evolution; and the two rocks probably being not quite so identical, would become fraternal twins or perhaps more like brothers and sisters (siblings, not twin), similar in some ways but not exactly the same. To be clear, we are not talking here about the rocks, worms or even human bodies themselves but the spirits that evolve through them. We are not our bodies, we are spirits inhabiting our bodies/forms. Rocks may be inhabited by spirits that are just not yet powerful enough to create whole living forms.
Thus, you might encounter individuals who are as steady and reliable as a rock, or as hardheaded and obstinate as stone, who perhaps have evolved from many ages of rock existence, eventually obtaining an individualized nature or spirit of their own and being able to choose more mobile forms as they evolve. Or perhaps being able to mediate for hours, unmoving.
From the elven point of view, the all of life is evolving toward consciousness and perfection. Some of us are just a little further along than most rock formations, but some of us are clearly not very far from our sedentary existence in the world of stone. In Faerie lore, this is especially brought out by the existence of trolls, who are often stone like beings or beings who, if caught in the sun, much like the common lore of vampires, would turn to stone, although vampires in such lore burn to ash. And this can be extended to dwarves who are famous for living in caves and working with stone, and are thus, to our minds, even more evolved rock beings, we might say. And this also extends to the drow elven who are quite like the dwarves in so many ways.
So, do rocks have souls? Sort of. They absorb energy and emit it, mostly heat and the lack thereof. And in time they can acquire spirits, individual spirits, and through the process of evolution of this spirit, develop a soulful relationship to others and become living beings as they do so who rather like statues can be looked up to and admired by others.
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A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Elven

Through The Mists of Faerie:
A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Elven
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