Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Was Merlin an Elf? Was Gandalf an Elf

". . . . whether Merlin existed or not as an individual manifest in a human or humanoid body, the way we Silver Elves are, is not as important to our minds as the fact that he exists as a spirit, or a sort of archetype of wizardry. In that sense, being an archetypal figure, he would be like Gandalf in as far as Gandalf was one of the Istari or higher beings or Shining Ones in Tolkien's stories. Merlin existed and still exists, as does Gandalf, on the spiritual planes even if he did not manifest directly into a particular humanoid body at some time. And he continues to inspire wizards and wizardry in the world. "

     Merlin is often said to have become enchanted by the witch Nimué and locked away in a crystal cave or sometimes it is described as a crystal tower. In the article “Merlin and Nimué” written by Gareth Knight in the book The Book of Merlin: Insights from the Merlin Conference edited by R.J. Stewart, ancient texts are quoted that say that Nimué was about 12 to 14 years old at the time that Merlin started hanging out with her. So, was Merlin a perv? Was he one of those guys who are really into young girls? Or perhaps this story is more a reflection of the author of that tale and his own proclivities than actually an indication of Merlin and his desires, supposing that Merlin really existed. 
     It may be important to remember that in 1100 in the current era, or so, when these stories of Merlin were written for the most part, life tended to be shorter, girls were married much younger, and an older guy falling for a young girl wasn’t all that unusual nor was it seen as abnormal as it is today viewed among many folk. It wasn’t long ago in the United States that the age of consent was fourteen in some states.
     There was a time, during the Middle Ages when there really wasn’t even much in the way of childhood and certainly not teenage-hood as being separate from adult-hood. In most tribal situations the boys and girls undergo initiation at puberty and become full adult members of the tribe when they pass the tests. Certainly, Nature itself designates puberty as a transition point into what is called adult life with its responsibilities, which first and foremost have to do with the bearing and raising of children.
     A number of factors have contributed to our modern sense that pubescent teenagers and older teens should not be engaging in sex with those who are deemed adult, usually meaning anyone above the age of eighteen. Perhaps the most significant factor is that we live longer for the most part and as a part of that we don’t always have to ‘grow up fast’ as our ancestors did, nor do we need to procreate quickly and often in order to survive. If the apocalypse occurs or the zombie uprising, as our movies tell us may happen, and only very few humans are left, we might change our attitudes about such issues once again. But in a world where overpopulation is straining the resources of the world and threatening to bring on that very apocalypse, giving children and teenagers time to grow up and explore themselves, without the pressure of adult responsibilities and in that way putting off having children is a good thing and much valued.
     Of course, there is nothing that says that Merlin had sex with Nimué, just that he was enchanted by her, in love with her and enjoyed her company. In the modern world that would be seen as highly suspect, an adult male hanging out with a young girl, but then we are a paranoid lot and not entirely without good reason. Still, their relationship could have been quite innocence. And it should be remembered that, even today, girls often like older guys. It’s been that way for nearly ever and still seems to be that way.
     Although, it isn’t always just guys going for the young. We used to know an elfin woman in her forties who had a twenty year old boyfriend. She told us that when she was twenty she had a twenty year old boyfriend, when she was thirty, the same, and we expect that now that she is in her sixties she may still have a twenty year old boyfriend.
     Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, also known as Lewis Carroll, who wrote Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking-Glass is often suspected of having a preference for children because he liked drawing, painting and photographing children in the nude. He claimed this work was quite innocent, and perhaps it was, we have no way of knowing, although we are somewhat curious why the parents of these children allowed him to draw them nude in the first place. But then, during the Victorian era child nudes were, apparently, sometimes seen on Christmas cards, which seems to speak to a very different social point of view at that time.
     We are not here to judge Charles Lutwidge Dodgson or Merlin really. Nor is our main purpose here to point out that social views, like fashions, change from time to time (who thought of the modern suit and tie?). Nor is it our intention to remind ours’elves or our readers that great artists are sometimes less than perfect human beings, which is to say spirits manifesting in the world. They may create something wonderful that may last for centuries or more and yet in some ways still somehow be odious human beings. And what about Michael Jackson and his fondness for children?
     For the elves, it is all about maturity. We elves believe in consensual sex between consenting adults, by which we mean individuals mature enough and on the same general level of maturity to interact as equals. No relationships really, from our point of view, should allow one party to coerce, trick or otherwise draw the other party into a relationship against their will and well-being. Power over another should not be a part of sexual relationships as far as we are concerned even when, or maybe particularly when, one of the parties is quite innocent and doesn’t even realize that they are being taken advantage of.
     And yet, it is said the Merlin was enchanted by Nimué. Not merely was he infatuated by her and disguised hims’elf as being younger than he was to be with her (how many middle-aged men have done that around younger women?), but that she intentionally drew him toward her in order to learn his magic and use it to entrap him. Despite being young, she was not entirely innocence and despite his age he was much more naive and less wise, apparently, than we often presume him to have been or be.
     Perhaps, being imprisoned in a crystal tower for ages helped him meditate upon his folly. Or perhaps, as some suggest, this turned out to be true love and he is together with his beloved forever. We don’t really know. And we don’t wish to judge without knowing but, Merlin, the world could sure use your help right now.


Was Gandalf an Elf?   


      In the Unfinished Tales, Tolkien wrote that the men of the North referred to Gandalf as the “Elf of the Wand.” Now, it could be that he meant that the men in the North mistook Gandalf for an elf, but we Silver Elves have always thought that there was something rather elvish about Gandalf who even had his own elven name of Mithrandir. And when we elves give others an elven name (see: "Want an Elf Name Gifted by The Silver Elves?"), no matter what their material race may seem to be, we are recognizing the elf that exists within them. So, while others might relate Mithrandir to men, or a sort of superman as a wizard, we might say, we Silver Elves will always see him as one of our very own.
      Of course, Mithrandir or Gandalf, was one of the Istari, which is to say from our point of view, one of the Shining Ones, those advanced spirits that have awareness and existence in at least four dimensions, which is to say he was a fourth dimensional being. And that means he didn’t merely live in the fourth dimension but lived in four dimensional reality.

     He could manifest upon the earth, Middle Earth that is, but when losing his material body, as he did in the mines of Moria, he merely returns again from the fourth dimensional realm and reconstitutes a similar form out of matter.
     It is not our opinion that all Shining Ones are elven exactly, but then if you are a man or a woman or some other that has evolved to become a Shining One, you are really more like an elf than you would be a man or woman anymore. The Shining Ones are what some people might call angels or of an angelic nature and they thems’elves evolve in time to become even more powerful spirits that extend the domain of their manifest being into an even greater number of dimensions.
     The more angelic one becomes, as one develops into the realms of the Shining Ones, the more elfin, in a sense, one becomes. Man, or material being or Man-ifestation, which is to say those who understand the world almost strictly from a material standpoint, necessarily must give up that point of view when confronted by their existence in the wider dimensions of conscious realization.
     Of course, the Shining Ones can still manifest in the form of men or women or whatever, just as Mithrandir did in Tolkien’s writings. But, they cannot do that if they don’t have an awareness of that greater being, and that awareness is part and parcel of the consciousness of developing elven awareness.
     It is true that there are awakening elfae folk who still make a claim to elfin being or being elfin due to genetics or other material considerations. And it is true that in doing that they are a bit closer to being Men or Women than they might realize or desire. But in as much as they recognize the magical nature of their being and their own power to effectively use enchantment to influence their lives, they step into those realms where we elves have ever abided, which is the liminal realms of mists, mysticism, magic, enchantment and etheric powers of a preternatural nature that whisper upon the wind and sing in the dreams and fantasies of others as well as our own.
     Now, we make no claim to being better than men or women or even greater than those elves who assert their elvishness based upon material considerations. After all, even the devil, according to men and woman, was once an angel. And surely, we are not necessarily better than they in the ways that men account as being most important.
     We are not better looking, by their lights, or more intelligent, and certainly we are unlikely to be as successful materially as they or hold the high regard of those who deem as experts on what is worthy of consideration in the world. We don’t necessarily more about in high society, nor are we rich or famous or any of that. It is just that we understand, in part and the best we may, that the material world is a glamor created by magic and that the real world is an energetic one and while we may not be very important in their regard as they judge a person’s significance, we are beloved to our elven kindred and to the Shining Ones and as far as we Silver Elves are concerned, that is what is most important in the world.

The Silver Elves

"The Elves believe that the time between your wish and its fulfillment depends upon how close you are to the source of the magic."

See all 50+ of the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on Amazon US here:

If you enjoyed the articles above, then you may well enjoy reading:

And if you have questions about the Elven Way and being an elf, then you may also wish to read The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path.

      We also suggest our volume 2 in this series of questions and answers: Manifesting Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 2. And we now also have a recently published Volume 3, The New Dawn of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 3. Just click on these book links to read more about them and a complete table of contents with all the topics and questions about elves and the Elven Way that they answer.

      You will surely find The Magical Realms of Elfin, Manifesting Elfin, and The New Dawn of Elfin to all contain many of your questions answered and either or all three books will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to abide in the magical realms of elfin and in manifesting elfin in your daily life.

"Remember the future when scrying the past, all in the present is that which did last, and all that will be, comes from that which now is, transformed as it tastes life's bittersweet kiss, and elfin and faerie dance through it all whispering spells that to our soul call, 'join us, oh, join us, the dance never ends,' and here you will find your lovers and friends and though things may change, this one thing is true, love is eternal and so are you."
—The Silver Elves 

If you enjoy the elf quotes that you see in this blog, then you may enjoy one of our recent releases that is very light reading but surely will uplift you and guide your way into Faerie! The Elves Say: A Collection of Over 1000 Ancient Elven Sayings and Wise Elfin Koans by The Silver Elves, Volume 2. This is the second book in the Elf Quotes Book Series, which contains The Silver Elves' own original elfin koans, ancient elven sayings, and their other quotes of wisdom on the Elven Way. If you loved Elf Quotes, our volume one of the Silver Elves elf quotes series, you will surely love this one as well. They do not need to be read in order. Many people say they enjoyed beginning reading our books with Elf Quotes as it is light reading yet brings you closer to Elfin and understanding The Elven Way.

Also, we have recently published The Complete Dictionary of Arvyndase: The Elven Language of The Silver Elves. This is an English to Arvyndase, and Arvyndase to English dictionary for those who would like to use this language. There are over 30,000 words in the language of Arvyndase and in this dictionary, as Arvyndase is a complete elven language and may be both written and spoken as such.

Calling All Elfin Kin!
Would you like to listen to the elves speaking Arvyndase?

Have you always wanted to hear elves speak in Arvyndase, the magical language of The Silver Elves? Come listen as Zardoa speaks Arvyndase (SilverSpeech) and Silver Flame translates! Just published our first You Tube video in our new The Silver Elves channel. And we would love it if you would please subscribe, like and comment! https://youtu.be/unUkxT9QbNE 

While it is a beautiful spoken conversational language, we primarily created Arvyndase to be used in our magic spells, rituals, and incantations. Below is a spell for attracting one's elf friends and kindred:

And you can find all our the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on Amazon here:
US Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2

And we invite you to come join us on Facebook in some of our Elven groups where you will find our elven-faerie-fae community interacting and sharing the Elven Way:

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves  https://www.facebook.com/groups/539205916250397
where we have discussions about our books as well as about Elven
and Otherkin philosophy and lifestyle.

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon  https://www.facebook.com/groups/806583242768352

United Otherkin Alliance:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/328253710566869
where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, and all manner of Faerie Folk gather!

Many Kindred have asked us what is "The Elven Way." So we have written books on it (see our book The Elven Way: The Magical Path of the Shining Ones) but here below is our short definition:

Short description of The Elven Way

 by The Silver Elves

“The Elven Way is the spiritual path of the Elves. It is not a religion. While all elves are free to pursue whatever spiritual path they desire, or not as the case may be, The Silver Elves are magicians and follow no particular religious dogma. We do however believe in all the Gods and Goddesses, (also Santa Claus [to whom we’re related], the tooth fairy [distant cousins] and the Easter or Ostara Bunny [no relation]) and try to treat them all with due respect. The Elven Way promotes the principles of Fairness, that is to say both Justice, Elegance and Equal Opportunity and Courtesy that is respectful in its interactions and attitude toward all beings, great or small. We understand the world as a magical or miraculous phenomena, and that all beings, by pursuing their own true path, will become whomever they truly desire to be. Our path is that of Love and Magic and we share our way with all sincerely interested individuals.”

     “To remind us ever of the need to rise up and lift our others with us, to have compassion for others even those who oppose us, to endeavor to understand the true natures and motivations not only of ours’elves but all others, the Shining Ones send us Sages who appear in many forms, in nearly all cultures and speak though various social and religious philosophies encouraging us to strive toward the light, to seek ever the good of all, and to further spiritual evolution in all that we do. We elves call this the Way of the Fair or The Elven Way. The Path is never-ending, the Way is ever before us, the Choice is always now, and we are eternally evolving. This is the Elven Way. The enculturation and other protections that shield the normal folk from the realization of other dimensions are lifted when the elf steps upon the path and begins to tread the Elven Way. The Elven Way gives our lives meaning and purpose. We come to understand who we truly are, that is that we are spirits evolving and we establish a purpose in our lives, which generally might be expressed as aiding ours’elves and all others to fulfill ours’elves perfectly. That is to say, we become who are truly are, which is who we truly desire to be. Remember, we ever wish to be our own true s’elves as perfectly as possible, which means among other things to be happy and successful forever, to live Happily Ever After.”
—The Silver Elves

Fost Tae Lodver (Touch the truth)!

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