"Elves seek each other in the world not only because we are lonely without our kindred but because we know that Elfin resides in each of us and is born of our union."
by The Silver Elves
Being in wild Nature can surely inspire one and one’s elfin spirit. Elfin and Faerie, while they are often projected and portrayed as being rather wild and there is some truth to that, are primarily a cultural phenomenon. While Nature surely evokes our sense of Elfin and Faerie and our own elfin and faerie-ness, it does so mostly because it takes us away from the mortar and concrete worlds of men that are so organically dead. Nature is alive and radiant and when we are in Nature we can absorb and be healed by its radiance. The world of Men and the Normal folk, on the other hand, being mostly lifeless, sucks energy from you. Nature has its own ambience. The world of Men and the normal folk gains ambience from the people and events that have passed or occurred there. Nature projects energy, the artificial world absorbs it. This is the same, in essence, as the fact that the various statues (over 500 of them) that we Silver Elves have in our eald can serve as teraphim, which is to say houses for various elfin spirits that abide with us (see our book Eldafaryn: True Tale fo Magic from the Lives of the Silver Elves) .
And yet, while it is wonderful to be surrounded by Nature and to live in harmony with Nature, most Elfae culture stems from our interactions in the world. It comes from books, movies, television shows and computers, mobile phones, etc. and in ancient times from stories told around the fire and from oral traditions passed on over generations. And, of course, and most importantly from encountering and interacting with each other and being our own true s'elf. Elves seek each other in the world not only because we are lonely without our kindred but because we know that Elfin resides in each of us and is born of our union. Faerie and Elfin are an artifact of culture and community and that’s just a fact.
At the same time, who of us of elfae nature and spirit doesn’t desire a closer connection to wild Nature, for we are part of Nature? The truth is we wish to live in both worlds, to integrate the two and have them blend harmoniously. Our efforts to manifest Faerie and Elfin upon the Earth through our lives is very much an effort to create a world and culture that is in harmony with Nature and yet retains everything of value in the modern world and surely as it evolves in positive ways into the future. Like mankind in that way, we elfae want it all. Unlike men who say you can’t have it all, we know we can.
And our goal of Elfin manifest is very much in keeping with the Biblical idea of the Garden of Eden and the Earthly Paradise that is promised at the End of the World (see our books Jesus Christ Elf Lord: The Faerie Foundations of Christianity, book one and also book two). A world where the lion lays down with the lamb and doesn’t have him for supper.
We continue on in our own elvish realms, in adoration of Nature and yet very happy to be at this moment in the relative safety of our eald writing this and not having to look over our shoulder to see if some hungry animal is coming along our path. Not that the world of Men is not a dangerous place. It is, as has been pointed out, an ‘asphalt jungle’. Yet, if we had to live in the world of wild Nature, we would do our best as our ancestors did and make the best of it that we can. After all, that’s what they did and they created this world in an effort of improve their lives and ours. In some ways, it is closer to Faerie and Elfin and our more paradisaical world, but still we have a long way to go before those worlds are achieved. And while we shall carry on the work as long as we can, others hopefully will carry it on along with us and others yet will do so after we have gone from this incarnation, continuing on down through the ages.
So, no you don’t have to be in wild Nature to attune to one’s elvish soulful spirit, but it surely can help.
The Silver Elves
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And if you enjoyed the article above, then you may surely enjoy these articles also by The Silver Elves on the subject of the Elfin Realm:
What is Elven Spirit?
Can Your Elfin Soul Be Stolen?
Are Elves Human? Is an Elven Soul and Spirit Different from that of a Human?
Why don’t all elfae know from very earliest life that they are elves, faeries or other fae beings?
Are there actually Portals to Elfin?
“The closer we get to Elfin
the more magical the world becomes.
Like the dawn, we see the light that heralds its coming
before we can see the sun.”
—The Silver Elves
And if you enjoyed the article above, we think you may very much enjoy reading our two books listed below on Elven Magic and Enchantment. Just click on and follow the links (the titles) to read more about them, table of contents and excerpts from each:
The Keys to Elfin Enchantment: Mastery of the Faerie Light Through the Portals of ManifestationA book of enchantment, for enchanters, revealing the Keys to Enchantment, the true and greatest magic of the elfin folk. It is filled with the philosophy of the elves and how they encounter and subtly transform the world wielding and fulfilling its dreams and desires while guiding it toward a better and more elfin future.
Creating Miracles In the Modern World: The Way Of the Elfin Thaumaturge This is a book of Elfin Thaumaturgy, of miracle working and wonder creation, although for these elves we much prefer the idea of wonder working and creation to the idea of miracles. We love wonders. We love creating them; we love encountering them. This simple tome will explore the means by which we may do so.
And Now For A Bit of Elven Fun!!!!!
We invite you to come to our website and enter our elven forest and go through the Elven Tree of Life Eternal to explore your magical nature (it’s free and completely private). It is set up somewhat like a choose your own adventure book and a fun way to explore your specific magic while all roads lead to Elfin. Then return to “the eald of the Silver Elves home page” at any time you wish by clicking the “home page” link at the top of any page you happen to be on. You may enjoy other pages on our website including reading some of our Magical Elven Love Letters or taking our Elf, Fae or Otherkin Survey and we will happily gift you a beautiful narrative about your magical tribe (this is not an automatic response but instead is especially written for you based on your responses and our own elven intuition).And if you wish to read the Elven Tree of Life Eternal in book form (it is the same as our elven forest mentioned above that we have on the website, but just in a convenient book form), please enjoy visiting our website here to read a sample of the book and to learn more about it.
The Elven Tree of Life Eternal:
A Magical Quest for One’s True S’ELF
Also, if you enjoy The Elven Tree of Life then we suggest you might also enjoy our book ELVEN SILVER: The Irreverent Faery Tales of Zardoa Silverstar by The Silver Elves, which is a book of short stories with the characters based on the magical beings in The Elven Tree of Life and you will find them all there.
And for further reading on the Elven way and following the Elven Path, we suggest:
If you have questions about the Elven Way and being an elf, then you may also wish to read The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path. If you are curious about elves and want to learn more about modern elves, then you will surely find The Magical Realms of Elfin to contain many of your questions answered and it will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to the magical realms of Elfin.
The Magical Realms of Elfin:
Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path

And in Arvyndase, the magical language of The Silver Elves:
Elven Blessings Dear Kindred, from the Eald of The Silver Elves