The Elven Way is not one path but a myriad of paths all leading to individual realization, which is to say making real and manifesting our true nature. And what is our nature? Our nature is to be ours'elves. And how do we discover who that is? We do it by examining our attractions and instinctual intuition and feelings. And by this we come to understand who we wish to be, because we wish to be certain beings because that's who we are. Dragons don't wish to be elves. Trolls don't wish to be faeries. We are all attracted to our own s'elves. Although, it is true there are those who are of mixed races, elf and dragon, elf and faerie, etc. Upon the Elven Way, it is all possible.
We Silver Elves are asked "What is The Elven Way" perhaps more than any other question about our elven life and path. The answer is both very simple and quite complicated. The simple answer is that the Elven Way is the spiritual path of we Silver Elves and other elfae beings who wish to refine, improve and develop thems'elves in every way that they can in harmony with their own increasing understanding of who they are as an elfin being and in harmony with Nature and the Divine Magic.
That's the simple part. Here's where it gets complicated. We don't really have any rules other than as much as possible be polite and courteous. That is not a necessity but it is a basic wisdom of the Way. It makes for a lot less obstructions in the long run. And yes, there are people out there who will ridicule you for being an elf or faerie or dragon or whatever you are and are striving to manifest as, but, really, we Silver Elves have found that being courteous to them is the most effective way to deal with them. It unravels their expectations. That and the fact that you just have to shine some people on and, as Behavioral Psychology advises us, ignore them and give them no energy whatsoever. Otherwise, it's like feeding a stray dog. Which is okay if you don't mind it coming around, but not advisable if it is a dog that keeps trying to bite you.
Also, we don't have any doctrines. Other than do your utmost to be your best of whatever kind of elfae sort you are and ever seek to improve yours'elf in whatever way you can. But defining what that is and how to do that is entirely up to the individual. For we elfae folk are an eccentric, individualistic bunch of folk, even while we, or most of us, love being together. This is difficult for many of those who are just beginning on the path, for they are seeking instruction on how to do this and all we can say is 'be yours'elf'. We do, however, learn from each other, especially our elvish magic. However, it is not so much a matter of imitating other elfae in detail but imitating our tendency to each be unique as each individual defines it for their own s'elf. Is that clear? We don't have followers; we just have kindred on the path. We don't have teachers; we just have all of us learning from each other.
Further, we don't have dogmas. There is nothing you absolutely have to believe in order to participate on the Elven Way. Except, it helps if you believe in yours'elf and your own elfin nature and naturally it helps if you believe in magic because if you don't, you're unlikely to believe in yours'elf as a magical being. And, of course, it makes it harder to experience or recognize the magical nature of life overall. This doesn't mean that one cannot also believe in science but it is important to understand that science is a methodology for exploring and coming to comprehend Nature and the Universe and the accumulated data and the theories about it so far. We are not against science because we are in harmony with Nature and the Universe. Science merely seeks to reveal those things.
And when we say we seek to live in harmony with Nature, we mean exactly that. Elfae beings, at least those upon the Elven Way, don't seek to exploit Nature but to live in harmony with it and with all other beings, in as much as possible. We generally tend to be recyclable, renewable, sustainable lifestyle sorts of folk. Thus, we believe in reincarnation. We are into permaculture and generally prefer less concrete in our world and more trees and bushes. We like our cities covered in vines, with fruit trees along the roads so there is food for everyone.
As to living in harmony with the Divine Magic, this means that while we are not religious folk, although one could have relationships with various deities if they wished upon the Elven Way, that is up to them, we do believe in a unifying energy that lives in all of us, which is magical and which seeks its perfection through our own being, each and every one of us. We are the atoms of its being.
So, first discover who you are, which is also who you wish to be as an elfae being. Elfae magic is and has always been, according to the lore, all about making wishes come true. In this case, it is our own wish we are granting and that is the wish to be whomever we wish to be in the first place. So, who do you wish to be? And how do you become that being? You do so by manifesting it through your life. We do so by being the elfae folk we are.
The Elven Way is not one path but a myriad of paths all leading to individual realization, which is to say making real and manifesting our true nature. And what is our nature? Our nature is to be ours'elves. And how do we discover who that is? We do it by examining our attractions and instinctual intuition and feelings. And by this we come to understand who we wish to be, because we wish to be certain beings because that's who we are. Dragons don't wish to be elves. Trolls don't wish to be faeries. We are all attracted to our own s'elves. Although, it is true there are those who are of mixed races, elf and dragon, elf and faerie, etc. Upon the Elven Way, it is all possible.
Ultimately, we come to understand that we are not our bodies. Our bodies are temporary housing for our spirits. Therefore, we elfae folk upon the Elven Way don't define ours'elves by our physical being but by our spiritual being. Therefore, the fact that we are elves who don't have biological elf ears or faeries who don't have naturally attached faeries wings, etc. doesn't bother us because we know who we are within ours'elves and that is what is really important. At least, that is the case for those of us upon the Elven Way.
It is a necessity, however, to be tolerant of others. Mutual tolerance is a significant feature of the Elven Way. You can't expect others to respect your unique s'elfhood if you don't respect theirs. Everyone defines thems'elves. None of us have the right to define others. And so it goes on and on through the ages.
The Silver Elves,
living and sharing The Elven Way since 1975
You can find all the 70+ The Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on our author Amazon international pages here:
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And if you enjoyed the article above, then you may surely enjoy these articles also by The Silver Elves on the subject of the Faerie Realm (or scroll down this page to see a Complete List of our The Silver Elves Articles with links - over 150 - on The Elven Way and the Faerie Realm):
A little more on The Elven Way from: ILLUMINATING FAERIE by The Silver Elves (available internationally on Amazon). “. . . . The Elven Way is ever changing yet what one is learning is not the path itself but how to successfully travel on the path. It is, in its way, like learning to walk so one can stroll down unfamiliar lanes. Or learning to drive a car so one can travel unknown roads. The key is one’s own ability as a driver. There is no exact map for the way itself (for Faerie is ever changing) but there is a way to improve one’s skill at traveling upon it.”“Therefore, the emphasis in the Elven Way is ever on s’elf development. And as one develops ones’elf and grows more confident in one’s skills and abilities, without becoming arrogant and thus heedless about them, one naturally feels more at ease with ones’elf and one’s ability to successfully navigate the various worlds one encounters and travels through. And that confidence, along with a sense of purpose one obtains in sharing the Elven Way with others seeking the path, inevitably eases tensions in one’s life and one’s interactions with the world.”“Although, it is true that the world can be a stressful place. That is part of its dark magic and the web of spells it entangles one within. By its nature and design, the world of men creates tension and we who live within this modern Middle-earth cannot help but be affected by it in some ways. And yet, that is the adventure, too. What adventure doesn’t have its stresses? It is the nature of the quest.”“But again, as we become more adept within ours’elves and more accustomed and practiced in the ways, our Mastery makes easy what was once very difficult. Even those things that previously seemed as though they might overwhelm us, are now just challenges to overcome.”“And while the Elven Way is a very individual oriented way, we should remember that we are treading it together, each in our own way, and our frasority (fraternity/sorority) makes light and easy what would be difficult on one’s own. For as we Silver Elves say, “Together our magic is stronger by far.” And far easier and less stressful as well.”“The Way of the Elfin awakens our heart,
it quiets our mind and that’s just the start,
it stirs our spirit and deepens our soul
and weaves its magic to make our lives whole.”
it quiets our mind and that’s just the start,
it stirs our spirit and deepens our soul
and weaves its magic to make our lives whole.”
And now for a bit of elven fun!
We invite you to come to our website and enter our elven forest and go through the Elven Tree of Life Eternal to explore your magical nature (it’s free and completely private). It is set up somewhat like a choose your own adventure book and a fun way to explore your specific magic while all roads lead to Elfin. Then return to “the Eald of the Silver Elves home page” at any time you wish by clicking the “home page” link at the top of any page you happen to be on. You may enjoy other pages on our website including reading some of our Magical Elven Love Letters or taking our Elf, Fae or Otherkin Survey and we will happily gift you a beautiful narrative about your magical tribe (this is not an automatic response but instead is especially written for you based on your responses and our own elven intuition).
Enter here the Elven Tree of Life Eternal
We also offer this same experience in book form: The Elven Tree of Life Eternal: A Magical Quest for Our True S’Elf.
"The Elven Way passes beyond the fields of the known
into the forest of the unknown illuminated by the glow of the elves."
The Elven Way is Available on Amazon US:
The Magic of the Shining Ones
"There are a number of effects of this evolutionary initiatory development for the adept elf, the first of which is that since the elf’s powers are being heightened, the elf thus has more power to do good, as well as being faced with greater temptation, which is to say opportunity, to misuse this power. This is where the development of magical maturity becomes so very important. The elf comes to understand that magic is the use of will power to create effects in the world, but also that initiation requires the development of magical and enlightened intent. It is not enough to be able to create change according to one’s will, one needs to create the type of change that will rebound positively for hir and all others and bring hir ever closer to Faerie by increasing hir awareness of and actualization of hir own true s’elf."
"Another effect, and this is an effect of growing maturity, is that the elf has a maximized increase in experience compared to most folks. That is to say that the elf experiences in a few years what others often take a lifetime to experience. This is in part why we so often are called old souls, and in fact, this is in part a result of having been through much of this in previous incarnations and are often recapitulating those lifetimes in this one, thus moving through such experiences much more quickly than a normal person tends to do."
"But also this is an effect of our increased vibrational rate in addition to our greater understanding of life and the occult, magical and mystical aspects of life. We process experiences more quickly and have less of a tendency to cling to things we have endured. We are more flexible, adaptable and less resistant to change. We are less likely to struggle with change and more likely to try to shape it to our intent. We always take with us what is valuable for us from our experience, but we are ever moving onward. Also, due to the increased vibrational frequency, we attract those who bring us even more experiences, greater knowledge and understanding. In part, this is a consequence of having cleared much of our karma and having set our course in such a way as to minimalize accumulating more negative karma, and when we do happen to do so, that is take a wrong karmic turn, we deal with it quickly, making adjustments and reparations as soon as we are able."
"Here also comes, with increasing clarity, the realization that our personal Destiny and the Destiny of all beings on our particular planetary system are in most cases intimately entwined. The threads of fate, karma and destiny hold us together lifetime after lifetime. And it is at this point that the adept elf begins to realize that the development of her power and abilities, the increasing power of her true s’elf, is not only in her own best interest, but in keeping with the true interest of everyone else as well. Thus it is also at this time that the elf plunges hirs’elf near totally into development of hir personal powers. SHe hungers to be greater, to have power in the world, and as long as sHe holds steadfast to hir intent, hir vision and the Elven Way, this is a natural and favorable advance in hir progress. This after all is the test. It is not just about increasing one’s magical and other powers in a world that is, shall we say, magically challenged at this time, but being able as spirits to hold to the greater vision and not fall for the illusion, the maya, that is the world as it appears to be, and therefore become entangled in the endless fulfillment of desires without any understanding of the true goal that we seek to actualize. One must be aware not only of this lifetime, but the progress of what is called liåle in Arvyndase, or samsara in Buddhist philosophy, that is the progress of our soulful spirit through the lifetimes."
We also invite you to join our elven and otherkin groups on Facebook, dear Kindred! Here is our vision for the groups as a virtual community:
For those wishing to join our many Silver Elves groups for Elfae and also friends of Elfae on Facebook, here is fairly complete list below of ones that we administer: You are all invited to any and all of them! We envision our 16+ Elfae Facebook groups as all connected (so in a way all one big elfae community group) and so going from one to the other is like meandering or flying around and being in a large elven community. It is like beautiful and enchanting large multi-story house that is inhabited by a number of elfae groups: (bottom floor has three private groups inside: The Elven Way and also Feasting with the Elves with a big kitchen and dining area for chatting, along with the Elven Home group); (second floor has the Faerie Craft group with a large display studio for elfae art); and (in the attic is the Elves, Fae, Brownies, Gnomes,etc group meets for otherkin sharing). There are also lots of large enclosed or screened in porches off the main house (where you will find: Magical Books of the Silver Elves, Elfin Faerie Lore, Elven Life and Magic, and We Adore Elves); there are also two gazebos, one is outside in the front lawn for Elvish Magical Chat and the other is in the back yard for I Heart Elven Magic; an open circle outside around the bonfire to the side of the house for the Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon group; a quaint tree house out front for Elfae Tree Folk to meet; a faerie circle that is a bit beyond the back of the house in the forest for The Faerie Circle group to meet; and at the front gate is a cozy elfae cottage for those first entering to be greeting in the group Silver Elves Embassy. There is also a path from the house that wanders down to the creek and goes through where the group Nature and the Unseen Realms with the Elves and Otherkin meet and also that leads to meeting place for the United Otherkin Alliance group. So please do come join us in any and all of our groups:
The Magical Books of the Silver Elves — This is our largest elfae group on Facebook and where you will find us Silver Elves often hanging out! And if you would like to find out more about our 60 The Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, please do join us! We have discussions here about our Silver Elves books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy, elven lifestyle and the Elven Way. If you have read our books and would like to discuss them with us, this is the place to come join in the discussions and ask also questions. And please do come share here in this group your own creative elven works of art, music, writing, crafts, or whatever you do to manifest Elfin in your life in your own way, as well as your thoughts and feelings about living the life Elfin.
Elven Home — This is an enchanting and private place for all elfae folk to share in cozy comfort. Feel free to share anything elfae related, and please do share (with images when you can) all about your own Eald (Elven Home) and the special aspects of it that make it your own enchanting elfin space.
Elfae Tree Folk— A place to share anything about the beloved trees that we elfae love so very dear and about life as a tree folk. This group is for you to spread your elven light through the day & the night and the forest.
Elven Life and Magic — A group for fae folk of all kinds posting their magic and how they manifest living as an elfae.
Elvish Magical Chat — Posting and chatting all about elves, faeries, pixies, and magic!
The Faerie Circle — A group for the magical elfae folk. Be ever blest!
Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon — A place to share your magic and enchantment with other elf witches!
Faerie Craft —This is a group to share your elven and fae creations, and yes you are welcome to advertise your elfish/faerie crafts.
I Heart Elven Magic — For those who love Elfin Magic.
Feasting With the Elves (having fun sharing elven recipes and healthy eating) —
United Otherkin Alliance — This is an alliance for Otherkin/ Therians, where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, fauns, unicorns, animal kin and all manner of Faerie Folk gather and come together! This large public group is open to anyone who wishes to be part of a very congenial group of Otherkin.
The Elven Way — This group creates a place for people to learn about the Elven Way and for Elves, Otherkin, and their friends to have a fun gathering place to enjoy each other's company and share things on the path. It is open to anyone who wishes to learn about the Elven Way and friends of such. This is one of our few private groups on Facebook.
Nature & the Unseen Realms with the Elves & otherkin. A spiritual journey — This is a very active elven and otherkin group posting those generally unnoticed realms and wonders of Nature.
Elfin Faerie Lore — For Faeries and Elfin Folk. This group is for sharing elfin faerie lore, magic and life as Fae.
Silver Elves Embassy — This is a place of rest and gathering together to relax and share our stories, dreams for the future, and magic of our elfin adventures. We Silver Elves share some of our magical tales and adventures in this group that have lead us to further embrace the Shining Ones.
We Adore Elves — This group is just a little hideaway for us to all come share our love for elves and elven and our elfin-faerie creativity as we manifest Elven in our lives.
New Group!
The Elvish Shine of Danu — The Elvish Shrine of Danu group is a place to explore ancient elven and fae people and our culture of the past, as well as a place to join together for those elven living in the present who feel connected to the spirit of the elfin ancestors, and to share the dream of the elves of the ancient future. From our Silver Elves point of view we are essentially spiritual, energetic and thus magical races. If you have an elfin soulful spirit, then you are related to all those who came from Faerie in the past. We hope all of you will enjoy sharing about our eldars like the Tuatha Dé Danann and the Daoine Sidhe as well as others of our elven ancestors around the world of all cultures that stir our hearts and souls, and awaken our spirits to the realms of Faerie.
Also do look for our other elfae groups on Facebook: Elfae Spirituality group; Elfae Tree Folk; Elfin Faerie Lore; Elves, Fae, Brownies, Gnomes; and Danu Folk Elves.
"The Path to Elfin begins in one's soul, one's urge to be loving, find kin and be whole, it moves through one's mind, one's imagination awakes, magic then swirling as the first step one takes." —The Silver Elves
For those wishing to join our many Silver Elves groups for Elfae and also friends of Elfae on Facebook, here is fairly complete list below of ones that we administer: You are all invited to any and all of them! We envision our 16+ Elfae Facebook groups as all connected (so in a way all one big elfae community group) and so going from one to the other is like meandering or flying around and being in a large elven community. It is like beautiful and enchanting large multi-story house that is inhabited by a number of elfae groups: (bottom floor has three private groups inside: The Elven Way and also Feasting with the Elves with a big kitchen and dining area for chatting, along with the Elven Home group); (second floor has the Faerie Craft group with a large display studio for elfae art); and (in the attic is the Elves, Fae, Brownies, Gnomes,etc group meets for otherkin sharing). There are also lots of large enclosed or screened in porches off the main house (where you will find: Magical Books of the Silver Elves, Elfin Faerie Lore, Elven Life and Magic, and We Adore Elves); there are also two gazebos, one is outside in the front lawn for Elvish Magical Chat and the other is in the back yard for I Heart Elven Magic; an open circle outside around the bonfire to the side of the house for the Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon group; a quaint tree house out front for Elfae Tree Folk to meet; a faerie circle that is a bit beyond the back of the house in the forest for The Faerie Circle group to meet; and at the front gate is a cozy elfae cottage for those first entering to be greeting in the group Silver Elves Embassy. There is also a path from the house that wanders down to the creek and goes through where the group Nature and the Unseen Realms with the Elves and Otherkin meet and also that leads to meeting place for the United Otherkin Alliance group. So please do come join us in any and all of our groups:
The Magical Books of the Silver Elves — This is our largest elfae group on Facebook and where you will find us Silver Elves often hanging out! And if you would like to find out more about our 60 The Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, please do join us! We have discussions here about our Silver Elves books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy, elven lifestyle and the Elven Way. If you have read our books and would like to discuss them with us, this is the place to come join in the discussions and ask also questions. And please do come share here in this group your own creative elven works of art, music, writing, crafts, or whatever you do to manifest Elfin in your life in your own way, as well as your thoughts and feelings about living the life Elfin.
Elven Home — This is an enchanting and private place for all elfae folk to share in cozy comfort. Feel free to share anything elfae related, and please do share (with images when you can) all about your own Eald (Elven Home) and the special aspects of it that make it your own enchanting elfin space.
Elfae Tree Folk— A place to share anything about the beloved trees that we elfae love so very dear and about life as a tree folk. This group is for you to spread your elven light through the day & the night and the forest.
Elven Life and Magic — A group for fae folk of all kinds posting their magic and how they manifest living as an elfae.
Elvish Magical Chat — Posting and chatting all about elves, faeries, pixies, and magic!
The Faerie Circle — A group for the magical elfae folk. Be ever blest!
Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon — A place to share your magic and enchantment with other elf witches!
Faerie Craft —This is a group to share your elven and fae creations, and yes you are welcome to advertise your elfish/faerie crafts.
I Heart Elven Magic — For those who love Elfin Magic.
Feasting With the Elves (having fun sharing elven recipes and healthy eating) —
United Otherkin Alliance — This is an alliance for Otherkin/ Therians, where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, fauns, unicorns, animal kin and all manner of Faerie Folk gather and come together! This large public group is open to anyone who wishes to be part of a very congenial group of Otherkin.
The Elven Way — This group creates a place for people to learn about the Elven Way and for Elves, Otherkin, and their friends to have a fun gathering place to enjoy each other's company and share things on the path. It is open to anyone who wishes to learn about the Elven Way and friends of such. This is one of our few private groups on Facebook.
Nature & the Unseen Realms with the Elves & otherkin. A spiritual journey — This is a very active elven and otherkin group posting those generally unnoticed realms and wonders of Nature.
Elfin Faerie Lore — For Faeries and Elfin Folk. This group is for sharing elfin faerie lore, magic and life as Fae.
Silver Elves Embassy — This is a place of rest and gathering together to relax and share our stories, dreams for the future, and magic of our elfin adventures. We Silver Elves share some of our magical tales and adventures in this group that have lead us to further embrace the Shining Ones.
We Adore Elves — This group is just a little hideaway for us to all come share our love for elves and elven and our elfin-faerie creativity as we manifest Elven in our lives.
New Group!
The Elvish Shine of Danu — The Elvish Shrine of Danu group is a place to explore ancient elven and fae people and our culture of the past, as well as a place to join together for those elven living in the present who feel connected to the spirit of the elfin ancestors, and to share the dream of the elves of the ancient future. From our Silver Elves point of view we are essentially spiritual, energetic and thus magical races. If you have an elfin soulful spirit, then you are related to all those who came from Faerie in the past. We hope all of you will enjoy sharing about our eldars like the Tuatha Dé Danann and the Daoine Sidhe as well as others of our elven ancestors around the world of all cultures that stir our hearts and souls, and awaken our spirits to the realms of Faerie.
Also do look for our other elfae groups on Facebook: Elfae Spirituality group; Elfae Tree Folk; Elfin Faerie Lore; Elves, Fae, Brownies, Gnomes; and Danu Folk Elves.

A Complete List of Our Silver Elves Blog Articles (with links) on the Elven Way, Elven Magic and Enchantment, Elven Lifestyle and On Being An Elf (over 150 articles)
The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path,
Manifesting Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 2 ,
Section 1: “First Questions” Often Asked About Elves
What Does It Mean To Be An Elf and Follow the Elven Path?
Is the Elven Way a religion? Who are the True Elves?
How Do I Find Out About my Elfae/Otherkin Tribe? And If I feel that I'm some sort of Otherkin but don't know what kind, what should I do?
How Do We Know We Are Elven or Otherkin? And Why Do Elfae and Otherkin Not Always Know our Kin Type when Newly Awakened to Being Other?
How Do We Know We Are Elven or Otherkin? And Why Do Elfae and Otherkin Not Always Know our Kin Type when Newly Awakened to Being Other?
Does Being Elven or Otherkin Make it Harder to Live in Human Bodies?
Can We Become Elves?
Can Anyone Be An Elf and Why Don't All Elves Choose Elven Bodies In Which To Reincarnate?
Are Elves and Elfae Human?
How Does One Begin on the Elven Path?
What do the elves think of Santa Claus?
Was Merlin an Elf? Was Gandalf an Elf?
Why are Elves so Few and Far Between?
Do We Elves and Other Elfae Folk Tend to Travel and Migrate a Lot?
What is Unique About Being an Elf
Section 2: Elven Magic
What is Elven Magic?
What is Rainbow Magic that The Silver Elves Often Speak About?
How Often Do Elves Do Magic?
Do Elves Do Ceremonial Magick?
What Do the Silver Elves Think of Using Reiki in their Magic?
Do Elves Do Blood Magic?
Is Magick a Privilege or Right?
Why Do Elven Witches Call their Covens "Vortexes"?
What is the Magic of Being an Elf? And Why is Magic Slower to Manifest on the Material Plane?
What Can We Do To Help Manifest Elfin in this Material World?
What Are our Elven Instincts and How do we use them in our Elfin Magic?
How do Elves Effectively Interact with The Shining Ones?
Can our Silver Elves oracle book Sticks and Stones, Feathers, Charms and Bones be used for magic?
From an Elven Perspective, What is the Importance of One's Magical Lineage?
Want to be Gifted an Elven Spell from The Silver Elves to Help You in Your Life?
Do we Elves need to do Magic? When is the best time to do Magic?
Can Your Elfin Soul Be Stolen?
Is Faerie a realm of illusion?
Is Magick a Privilege or Right?
What is the Magic of Being an Elf? And Why is Magic Slower to Manifest on the Material Plane?
What Can We Do To Help Manifest Elfin in this Material World?
What Are our Elven Instincts and How do we use them in our Elfin Magic?
How do Elves Effectively Interact with The Shining Ones?
From an Elven Perspective, What is the Importance of One's Magical Lineage?
Want to be Gifted an Elven Spell from The Silver Elves to Help You in Your Life?
Is Faerie a realm of illusion?
Section 3: More About Who the Elves Are
Did all Elves Come from the Stars?
Is Being an Elf a Matter of Blood of Genetic Heritage?
Are we Born to be Elves? And So If Elves are Born Elven, Are Orcs Born to be Orcs as well?
What Say The Silver Elves About the Difference Between Seelie and Unseelie Fae?
What are the Dark Elfae? Why are the Unseelie Elves and Dark Elves Often Confused?
What Effect Do Our Magical Body Parts (Elf Ears, Wings, Tails, Scales etc.) In Etheric Form Have Upon Elves and Otherkin?
Are All Elves Beautiful? And Are all elves thin?
Are Elves Healthier than Other People?
Do Elves Age Less Quickly Than Normal Humans?
Do Elves Sweat?
Are all Elves White?
Are Elves Always Androgynous?
Do Elves Have Enhanced Senses?
Are Elves Hypersexual?
Is There a Point at Which One Is Too Old to Be an Elf?
Are Elves Human? Is an Elven Soul and Spirit Different from that of a Human?
How do you Know if a Person is an Elf or Faerie or Pixie or whatever? And Who are the Half Elves?
Can we be Born as one Type of Elf, Fae or Otherkin in One Life and Another Kin Type in a Different Incarnation? What is the Difference Between Fey and Fae? What is the Difference Between Elfin and Eldar?
How Do We Elves Relate to the Seasonal Courts of Faerie?
Why don’t all elfae know from very earliest life that they are elves, faeries or other fae beings?
Are We Elves Repelled by Iron, Once Again?
Does rh Negative Blood Signify the Elven Bloodline and How Tall Are Elves?
Do You Need to be in Wild Nature to be Attuned to your Elven Soul and Spirit?
What are the Dark Elfae? Why are the Unseelie Elves and Dark Elves Often Confused?
How do you Know if a Person is an Elf or Faerie or Pixie or whatever? And Who are the Half Elves?
Can we be Born as one Type of Elf, Fae or Otherkin in One Life and Another Kin Type in a Different Incarnation?
Why don’t all elfae know from very earliest life that they are elves, faeries or other fae beings?
Does rh Negative Blood Signify the Elven Bloodline and How Tall Are Elves?
Do You Need to be in Wild Nature to be Attuned to your Elven Soul and Spirit?
Section 4: Elven Awakening
What Does it Mean to Awaken to Our True Elven Nature?
Once an Awakened Elf Are You Always an Awakened Elf?
How Do You Gently Awaken a Sleeping Elf Kin?
Does One Have to be Brave and Courageous to Enter Elfin and Faerie?
How do Elves Deal with Our Homesickness for Elfin?
On The Elven Way and Awakening
Are There Actually Portals to Elfin?
Do Elves Really Awake to being Elfin? Are There Any Steps Beyond Awakening on the Elven Path? (First three steps/stages are Awakening, Association and Activation)
Beyond Awakening — Further Steps on the Elven Path, Attunement and Annunciation
The Sixth and Seventh Stages of Awakening Upon the Elven Way: Acclimation and Actualization
"Song of Awakening" from The Magical Elven Love Letters by The Silver Elves
How do Elves Deal with Our Homesickness for Elfin?
On The Elven Way and Awakening
Are There Actually Portals to Elfin?
Do Elves Really Awake to being Elfin?
"Song of Awakening" from The Magical Elven Love Letters by The Silver Elves
Section 5: How The Silver Elves Are Alike and Different From Other Spiritual Practices
What’s the Difference Between Elves and Pagans? And Do The Silver Elves Follow an “Elven Faith?”
What is the Difference Between the Elven Way and the Fairy Faith?
What’s the Difference Between Elves and Witches?
Is Christianity Incompatible with Being Elves?
Do Elves Believe in Past Lives?
What is the Elven Point of View about People Choosing their Lives before Birth?
Do Elves Interact with Genii Loci?
Is the Sphere of Netzach Specifically Related to Elves?
What is Elven Spirit?
How Much Have We Silver Elves Been Influenced by Tolkien and the Silmarillion?
Does the Elven Way require vows?
What is the difference between Elves and Druids? What Say The Silver Elves About the Difference Between an Elf Witch and an Elf Wizard?
From an Elfin View, Are Wizard and Warlock lesser Terms than Witch?
Were the Fomorians Dwarves and Monsters?
Are Elves Related to Angels?
Were the Celts Faerie Folk?
Are faeries primarily astral beings in charge of growing things? And are we elfaerie descended from nature spirits, the dead or minor gods of antiquity?
How Much Have We Silver Elves Been Influenced by Tolkien and the Silmarillion?
Does the Elven Way require vows?
What is the difference between Elves and Druids?
Section 6: The Past and Future of Elves
Why Do We Elves Call Ours'elves the People of the Ancient Future?
How Far Back in History do Elves and the Original “Elven Faith” Go?
Who Are the Shining Ones That the Elves Speak Of?
Who Came First, Elves or Faeries?
Is It the Elf Star or the Faerie Star? And Who First Adopted the Seven-Pointed Star as the Elf Star and What Does It Mean?
What Will Happen to us if Humanity Destroys Itself?
What Will Elves Be Like in the Future?
Who Were the Elf Queen's Daughters?
“The Philosophy of Elfin Folke”
When Faerie Returns Will There Still be a Race of Men? And Are Elves Halflings, Part Mankind, due to Manifesting in Human Bodies?
Are We Elves in these Modern Times Related to the Tuatha de Danann and the Sidhe? And What Are Elven Spiritual Genetics?
Did the Tuatha de Danann live in a Mirror World?
What do the Elves View as the Difference Between the Piscean and Aquarian Ages?
“The Philosophy of Elfin Folke”
When Faerie Returns Will There Still be a Race of Men? And Are Elves Halflings, Part Mankind, due to Manifesting in Human Bodies?
Why we Silver Elves Have Come to Reject the Idea that our Faerie Peoples are Exclusively Descended from the Scythians and Annunki
Why the Faeries Are Not All Gone Now Due to the Encroachment of Cities?
Are tales of elfae based upon the displaced Picts, Britons and Celtic tribes? And what is the association of we elves with whirlwinds?
Section 7: How Elves Relate to Other People
How Do You Tell Your Family or Friends that You're an Elfae Without Them Getting Upset?
What Say the Elves About Living in the World of the Unawakened? And How Does an Elf Find Friends?
Where Do You Find Kindred Fae?
How Do You Deal with Individuals Who Pretend They Are More Spiritually Evolved or More Magically Adept Than They Really Are?
Do Elves Hate Dwarves?
What is the Reaction of The Silver Elves to Fictionkin? And Why do Various Otherkin Use the Suffix -kin to Describe their Kintype?
What do Elves Feel about Transgender Individuals?
What do the Elves Think about the Modern World of Humans Straying from Being United with Nature?
How Do The Silver Elves Deal with People Who Think We Are Roleplaying Being Elves?
What is the Reaction of The Silver Elves to Fictionkin? And Why do Various Otherkin Use the Suffix -kin to Describe their Kintype?
What do the Elves Think about the Modern World of Humans Straying from Being United with Nature?
What is the Relationship of the Elves to the Trees?
Do the Elves say that Trees Have Souls?
Do we elves grow trees that never die?
Do the Elves say that Trees Have Souls?
Do we elves grow trees that never die?
How Do We Find Faerie? And How Do Deal with Being an Elf or Otherkin While Living in the Mundane World?
What Do the Elves Say about whether the Faeries Are Nature Spirits?
Were the Celts Faerie Folk?
Were the Celts Faerie Folk?
Section 8: Elven Lifestyle
Are all Elves Vegetarian?
What Do You Do if You Are Vegetarian but your Therian Aspect is a Carnivore?
How Do Elves Form Families?
What do the Elves Say is the Difference Between a Spirit Family and a Soul Family, and What is an Elven Family?
Why Are So Many Modern Elves So Into Fashion?
What’s the Elfin View on Wearing Fur?
What Do the Silver Elves Think of People who Wear Fake Wings to be like Faeries?
Are There Specific Elfin Holidays that the Silver Elves Celebrate?
How do Elven Communities Govern Themselves? Do They Have Kings and Queens?
Why Are Elves So Often Associated with Bows and Arrows? How Does Archery Effect Elven Magic?
Do Elves Believe that True Love Exists?
Do We Elfae Have Any Rules to Follow? Which Ones Are They?
Happy Elven Star Day today on 7.7.7
Does Time Flow Differently in Faerie?
Do Faeries Die?
What Do You Do if You Are Vegetarian but your Therian Aspect is a Carnivore?
Section 9: The Language of the Silver Elves: Arvyndase (SilverSpeech)
Do The Silver Elves speak Arvyndase (SilverSpeech)?
How do The Silver Elves create the Elf Names they Gift to Others? And Does Knowing a Person’s True Name Really Give You Power Over Hir (him/her)?
Why Do the Silver Elves Use the "Royal We"?
What Does the Elven Word "Kyela" mean?
What Does the Elven Word "Kyela" mean?
Section 10: What Oracles do The Silver Elves use?
—Elves and Tarot
—Elves and the I Ching
—Elven Runes (the original runes of the Silver Elves)
—Elven Geomancy
—The Elven Star Oracle (an original oracle system of the Silver Elves)
—Other Original Silver Elves Oracles
Section 11: Other Miscellaneous Questions About Being an Elf and Elven Perspectives
What Do Elves Think of Psychiatry, Psychology and Modern Therapists?
What Say the Elves about the question ‘Does one need to suffer to learn compassion?’
How Does it Feel to Write from the Perspective of Elves? What about the Silver Elves Books and Cultural Appropriations?
What is the Best Way for Elfae to Deal with the Shadow S'elf, Your Wild Side?
Are the Silver Elves high elves or low elves?
Do Elves Believe that Rocks Have Souls?
Do elves use sigils and hyper-sigils to become more elflike?
Are Rocks Truly Gateways to the Otherworlds of the Elfin and Faerie Realms?
From an Elven Perspective: Could One have been an Elemental in a Past Life?
"A Crystal is a Million Stars United," an excerpt from The Magical Elven Love Letters by The Silver Elves
Is there a connection between the words Ferry and Fairy?
Are the Therians and other animal folk magical beings?
Is the Faerie Realm seen with one's heart before it is seen with one's eyes?
Section 12: What are some of the newest Silver Elves Books?
The Ogham of the Elves Using Elvish Wizard Script
Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 3
Elves, Faeries, Fae and Otherkin Tribes:
Beyond Death:
Elfin Witches’ Knotwork:
How to Make a Faerie Lay
Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 5
Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 6
"The Moon Elves say the moon speaks of past lives and ancient times
and secrets stored in our subconscious waiting to be revealed."
Quote from Moon Elves: Their Customs and Their Magic
When Faerie Comes: A Collection of Over 1000 Ancient Elven Sayings and
“Faerie is like the morning mist that becomes invisible
when the sun rises but is still about unseen and waiting for the night to come.”