"When it comes to elf witches and elf wizards, the issue gets even murkier, because we elves tend to be wizards and witches and conjurors, sorcerers, shamans and nearly everything else, all at the same time, so sequentially jumping from one practice to another randomly. Our magic is blended together and most of us who are elfae study nearly every sort of magic that we come across from every culture and tradition that we encounter."
There is no need, really, to distinguish between elf witches and wizards (and of course one can be or function as both, doing both witchcraft and wizardry at different times), but we could make up such a distinction if it proved necessary. After all, both witches and wizards do magic but a witch's magic may be very personal, in the sense that Hir (combination of him/her) coven are often seeking to cast spells for their own fulfillment or for someone who has come to them for help. For instance, see the movie Practical Magic or Alice Hoffman's wonderful book of the same title (also see her books The Rules of Magic and Magic Lessons) for witchcraft of this sort.
Wizards, however, often seem to work for a community or group and while they may benefit personally, this seldom seems their motivation. Even if you apply the term wizard, as sometimes happens to a creative genius or inventor of some kind, as the term was applied to Thomas Edison and certainly would be well deserved by Nicola Tesla, their works still seem to be directed on a scale to affect society and the world at large. And someone like Walt Disney, whatever you may think about him, was surely a great imaginal wizard as well.
This does not mean that witches couldn't also apply their magic on a larger scale, and certainly this occurs at times. But, for the most part, when the terms wizard and witch are used, wizards seem more inclined, at least according to the lore, toward this vaster field of activity. While witches often get a bad rap that wizards generally don't have to deal with. Witches are frequently portrayed as being wicked and scary while wizards, at worse, are usually seen as being eccentric and perhaps a bit grumpy. Wizards are generally linked to one's idea of a peculiar uncle or grandfather, while witches get traditionally associated with wicked stepmothers.
When it comes to elf witches and elf wizards (of which elves do not use these terms as gender specific like in traditional lore), the issue gets even murkier, because we elves tend to be wizards and witches and conjurors, sorcerers, shamans and nearly everything else, all at the same time, so sequentially jumping from one practice to another randomly. Our magic is blended together and most of us who are elfae study nearly every sort of magic that we come across from every culture and tradition that we encounter. We are an eclectic bunch by our very nature and while we may specialize only in doing a specific sort of magic, we seldom do. We love it all. We study it all and we practice most of it, merging our various practices into a sort of elf magic which encompasses everything really, each of us in our own way.
At the same time, at the heart of nearly all elven magic is Enchantment. We are enchanting witches and enchanting wizards or wizards of enchantment and charming witches, sorcerers exploring the source of enchantment and conjurors summoning up the powers of enchantment and so forth (see our book The Keys to Elfin Enchantment). Elven magic revolves around our ability to persuade, charm, intrigue, fascinate and induce others to willing aid us, if they will, to be better as individuals, to uplift their own s'elves and join our aeons-long conspiracy to enlighten ours'elves and all others who are open to seeing the light and truth of the Universe and sharing life in a loving and healing way. And we elves don't so much do magic, although we do, but "are magic" as our sisters of the Elf Queen's Daughters used to say (see The Elf Magic Mail, vols. 1 and also volume 2).
We, obviously, haven't been totally successful in our attempts to make the world more loving and kind, more attuned to Nature in a harmonious way and to get Mankind to stop fighting among themselves and squabbling over everything so that they may join us in fighting against the true enemies of humanity, which are ignorance, prejudice and the various viruses and diseases that are able to prey upon us because Men spend more time and money upon war than upon health, healing and the general welfare of all the members of their societies.
Still, our elf witches and wizards and spell casters and every other sort of magic wielder continue to do what they/we can to alter the world for the better and create a true Elven civilization upon the Earth. We haven't entirely succeeded as yet, that's for sure. But we haven't given up either and we probably never will.
The Silver Elves
And you can find all the 55+ Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on our author Amazon international pages here:
US (USA) Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2
UK (United Kingdom) Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2
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To read more on elven witches and elven magic, you may enjoy some of these other articles by The Silver Elves:
What’s the Difference Between Elves and Witches?
Why Do Elven Witches Call their Covens "Vortexes"?
Also, be sure and scroll down to check out all the over 100 blog articles with their links (many of which are on elven magic) on the list at the very bottom of this blog article.
The Keys to Elfin Enchantment:
Mastery of the Faerie Light Through the Portals of Manifestations
by The Silver Elves
THE KEYS TO ELFIN ENCHANTMENT is a book of enchantment, for enchanters, revealing the Keys to Enchantment, the true and greatest magick of the elfin folk. It is filled with the philosophy of the elves and how they encounter and subtly transform the world wielding and fulfilling its dreams and desires while guiding it toward a better and more elfin future.
. . . . . And if you are interested in reading more about our elven enchantment magic, The Book of Elven Magick: The Philosophy and Enchantments of the Seelie Elves (see both Volume 1 & 2) go through a complete progression of color magics and and also explore Elven Vortexes and Covens, as well as our theories on calling the directions and dimensions and more. In these two books we explore the Elven viewpoint concerning magick and
the tools of magic with magical ceremonies that may be adapted for use
by modern faerie folk:

And Now A Gift For You!!!!!!What Sort of Elf, Faerie or Other Are You?
What is Your Magical Tribe?
For years various kindred have asked us, the Silver Elves, to help
them figure this out. Now we've created a questionnaire to help us do so
and to help you learn about your people, your magical tribe. This is
our gift to you (free). Simply follow this link below and the directions
and we will help you with your own personal narrative about your
magical tribe. Each narrative is based on your answers to the questions
and our intuition and is a unique narrative just for you. This is not a
computer generated result and we Silver Elves concentrate on only one
narrative a day to give you special consideration: https://silverelves.wordpress.com/2019/08/14/what-kind-of-elf-fae-or-otherkin-are-you-what-is-your-tribe

Let’s Study Arvyndase, the Magical Language of the Silver Elves!
As many of you know, we now have published not only our book teaching you how to speak and write Arvyndase (see Arvyndase (Silverspeech): A Short Course in the Magical Language of the Silver Elves), but also The Complete Dictionary of Arvyndase with over 30,000 words from English to Arvyndase and from Arvyndase to English. Arvyndase is a complete elven language and one of the best ways (at least one of the most fun ways) to learn it is to study Arvyndase vocabulary by translating our Silver Elves “Elf Sayings”. We have begun posting our Elf Sayings in Arvyndase in our Facebook group Magical Books of the Silver Elves, and we will also post them here for you with each upcoming blog. Below is the first, and by studying this one you will learn some important words in Arvyndase including tree, star, and moon:

"Elf folk live behind this door
before you knock be very sure
you want elf magic in your life
to sooth away your every strife
to stir your spirit to your soul
and make you s'elf complete and whole."
—The Silver Elves
Come Join our Silver Elves Facebook Elven and Otherkin Groups !!!
The Silver Elves invite you to come join us in some of our elven and magical otherkin Facebook groups where you will find our elven-faerie-fae otherkin community interacting and sharing The Elven Way:
Elvish Magical Chat — Posting and chatting all about elves, faeries, pixies, and magic!
The Faerie Circle — A group for the magical elfae folk. Be ever blest!
Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon — A place to share your magic and enchantment with other elf witches!
Faerie Craft —This is a group to share your elven and fae creations, and yes you are welcome to advertise your elfish/faerie crafts.
I Heart Elven Magic —For those who love Elfin Magic.
Feasting With the Elves (having fun sharing elven recipes and healthy eating) —
The Elven Way — This group creates a place for people to learn about the Elven Way and for Elves, Otherkin, and their friends to have a fun gathering place to enjoy each other's company and share things on the path. It is open to anyone who wishes to learn about the Elven Way and friends of such.
Nature & the Unseen Realms with the Elves & otherkin. A spiritual journey — This is a very active elven and otherkin group posting those generally unnoticed realms and wonders of Nature.
Elfin Faerie Lore — For Faeries and Elfin Folk. This group is for sharing elfin faerie lore, magic and life as Fae,
Silver Elves Embassy — This is a place of rest and gathering together to relax and share our stories, dreams for the future, and magic of our elfin adventures. We Silver Elves share some of our magical tales and adventures in this group that have lead us to further embrace the Shining Ones.

US Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2
Touch this star above, dear Kindred, for an Elven Blessing!