“. . . for us modern elves, we are drawn to the love of archery as a way to enhance our magical skills . . . . Archery not only improves eye-hand coordination, but also and most importantly to the elves, it gives us practice in aiming and projecting our intention. To be an accomplished archer, one literally needs to ‘feel’ the arrow hit the bulls-eye just prior to letting the string go. Isn’t this exactly what we must do to be effective elven magicians?“
A great deal of the notion that elves have bows and arrows as a common theme has to do with the fact that elves are generally portrayed as woodland folk living in ancient times in which bows and arrows, much like Robin Hood and his Merry (elven) men, were the common tool of the forest and the forester. The fact is, of course, that we elves are not just creatures of the forest, although most of us do very much love and admire the trees, but we can be found in nearly any clime upon the Earth and, at least in fantasy stories, out in space as well. However, we nearly always prefer Nature, in as much as it is possible; to be in Nature and think it would be ideal if every town and city was filled with trees lining the streets and on the rooftops and every building covered with vines.
And elves and fae folk have, like all other peoples, existed through time. We exist now, we lived in ancient times and in every period between. For example, while it might seem to some folks that elves don’t belong in stories about pirates and buccaneers, we surely lived in those times and considering our nature it is quite likely that at least some of us were members of the Brotherhood of the Coast. The pirate life may have appealed to some elves (perhaps more of the ocean elf tribes) because it was one of adventure and freedom upon the seas, and also importantly because there was a time when pirates represented a small photo-democratic society in the Caribbean, electing their captains. But this is only one example of possible lifetimes for some elven.
So, also, we lived in ancient Roman times, among the Greeks and others. Most elves, for instance, feel quite comfortable among the ancient Celts of various sorts, the British, the Gallic and others. But, you can also certainly find us among the cowboys of the Old West, of Australia, and South America and other places. If not in every place, we surely were in every time. And most often, but not always, you will find us being reincarnated and living among and as the various aboriginal peoples of every continent. Chiefly because, as we said, we cling to Nature and seek in each life to be as close to it as we can, to protect it as best we may, unless duty requires us elsewhere.
Now, it is true that we elfae folk are, for the most part, naturally inclined to be snipers. We are less likely to be of the hack and slash Conan variety that Men see as their ideal, wielding swords and axes. Instead you would find us ever more inclined toward bows and arrows, blow guns, poison darts, boomerangs, throwing knives, spears and anything that puts a distance between us and our opponents. This is due to the fact that we ever rely upon tactics, strategy and intelligence rather than brute force to achieve our aims whatever they may be. We don’t Go With the Force, We Go With the Flow. We don’t cast spells to compel but rather to enchant. Willing participation is a must with us. Mutual consent is obligatory. We do not seek to overpower others, but to entice their willing assistance.
On the other hand, while we would rather carry out our warfare (if ever necessary) at a distance as much as possible, we have always been much less likely than Mankind or some of the Unseelie sorts, to just drop bombs upon a population randomly knowing that among those killed will potentially be numerous individuals who are simply considered collateral damage. We elves have tended to be more precise in our warfare, at least as much as we could be. We aim for the target we wish to hit and that and that alone.
And we have always left a place for Nature and Her will. In that way, we are a wee bit like the Bene Tleilax or Tleilaxu assassins in the Dune series who always leave a way out for those they have been hired to eliminate. We elfae folk always leave a place for the Divine Magic and understand that ours are not the only wills that exist and that greater and wiser beings may change the course of our intentions.
Still, even in the modern times when we elves have no reason for warefare to defend ourselves, bows and arrows are wonderful. We Silver Elves spent years taking archery classes at a local community college to the point where the teacher had to declare us assistants in order for us to keep taking the classes. And we got fairly good at it. Not great, alas, but pretty much able to hit the target every time at forty yards, and the bulls-eye at least once, sometimes thrice out of six shots. Not exactly Robin Hood or Legolas, but not entirely bad either.
Surely for us modern elves, we are drawn to the love of archery as a way to enhance our magical skills (See Zen and the Art of Archery by Eugen Herrigel). Archery not only improves eye-hand coordination, but also and most importantly to the elves, it gives us practice in aiming and projecting our intention. To be an accomplished archer, one literally needs to “feel” the arrow hit the bulls-eye just prior to letting the string go. Isn’t this exactly what we must do to be effective elven magicians? Not merely think our magical intentions but to also feel and know them so that we may enchant the world with manifestations of Elfin?
The Silver Elves
See all 50+ of the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on Amazon US here:
and on Amazon UK here:

To read more on Elfin Lifestyle, you may enjoy some of these other articles on living the life elven by The Silver Elves:
How Do Elves Form Families?
Why Are So Many Modern Elves So Into Fashion?
What’s the Elfin View on Wearing Fur?
What Do the Silver Elves Think of People who Wear Fake Wings to be like Faeries? https://thesilverelves.blogspot.com/2017/09/what-do-silver-elves-think-of-people.html
Are There Specific Elfin Holidays that the Silver Elves Celebrate?
How do Elven Communities Govern Themselves? Do They Have Kings and Queens? https://thesilverelves.blogspot.com/2017/08/how-do-elven-communities-govern.html
"An arrow quivers when it strikes the target." Olde Elven Saying meaning that there is a natural excitement that occurs when one accomplishes something and often a sort of celebration, but the elves also note the fact that quiver means both the tremble or shake but also is a container for arrows, thus the elves are indicating that one should not celebrate for too long but should return the arrow to its quiver, which is to say get ready for new projects and goals.
—The Silver Elves
Want An Elf Name Gifted by The Silver Elves?
We Silver Elves have been gifting elf names for decades, now over 6,000 names, in our beautiful magical elven language, Arvyndase! If you are interested in having us gift you an elven name in Arvyndase, you are welcome to visit our website page “Want An Elf Name.” There we give you suggestions for what to email us about yours’elf so we can give you a name that is magically fitting for you.

Many people ask us which of our 54 Silver Elves books on Elven Philosophy and Magic and The Elven Way to begin reading first and so we say, which ever sounds right to you, follow your elven intuition, as there is really no right order! You may wish to visit our Sample Our Books page on our Silver Elves website and read through the excerpts on each book. But if you would like a suggestion, you may wish to begin with one or more of these four books:
1. Through The Mists Of Faerie: A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Elven This is our most popular book and one we highly recommend reading by anyone interested in elves, elven magic, elven lifestyle and the elven way.

2. The Elven Way: The Magical Path of the Shining Ones This is a companion book to Through the Mists of Faerie, but may be read in any order. It is also a very popular book and a good one to start with.

3. The Book of Elven Runes: A Passage Into Faerie
This is not the Norse Runes but our own original elven rune divination system. It consists of 40 runes. The book is 130 pages with photos and illustrations that feature each rune and explain the rune system, how to make your own set of runes (runestones not included), and the interpretation for each of the runes.
5. The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path.
If you have questions about the Elven Way and being an elf, then you may also wish to read The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path. If you are curious about elves and want to learn more about modern elves, then you will surely find The Magical Realms of Elfin to contain many of your questions answered and it will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to the magical realms of Elfin.

“Through all the ages of the world, the Voice of Elfin can be heard singing songs of love, and life and harmony.”
—The Silver Elves
You can find all 50+ of our the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, elven life and elven enchantment magic to purchase on Amazon here:
US Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2
UK Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2

The Silver Elves invite you to come join us in some of our elven and magical otherkin Facebook groups where you will find our elven-faerie-fae otherkin community interacting and sharing The Elven Way:
The Magical Books of the Silver Elves — https://www.facebook.com/groups/539205916250397 — And if you would like to find out more about our 50+ The Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, please do join us! We have discussions about our Silver Elves books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy, elven lifestyle and the Elven Way. If you have read our books and would like to discuss them with us, this is the place to come join in the discussions and ask also questions. And please do come share here in this group your own creative elven works of art, music, writing, crafts, or whatever you do to manifest Elfin in your life in your own way, as well as your thoughts and feelings about living the life Elfin.
Elven Home — https://www.facebook.com/groups/1712981718807166
This is an enchanting and private place for all elfae folk to share in cozy comfort. Feel free to share anything elfae related, and please do share (with images when you can) all about your own Eald (Elven Home) and the special aspects of it that make it your own enchanting elfin space.
Elven Life and Magic — A group for fae folk of all kinds.
Elvish Magical Chat — Posting and chatting all about elves, faeries, pixies, and magic!
The Faerie Circle — A group for the magical elfae folk. Be ever blest!
Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon — A place to share your magic and enchantment with other elf witches! https://www.facebook.com/groups/806583242768352
Faerie Craft —This is a group to share your elven and fae creations, and yes you are welcome to advertise your elfish/faerie crafts.
I Heart Elven Magic —For those who love Elfin Magic.
Feasting With the Elves (having fun sharing elven recipes and healthy eating) — https://www.facebook.com/groups/597948240617006
United Otherkin Alliance —
https://www.facebook.com/groups/328253710566869 This is an alliance for Otherkin/ Therians, where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, fauns, unicorns, animal kin and all manner of Faerie Folk gather and come together! This group is open to anyone who wishes to be part of a congenial group of Otherkin.
The Elven Way — This group creates a place for people to learn about the Elven Way and for Elves, Otherkin, and their friends to have a fun gathering place to enjoy each other’s company and share things on the path. Although it is a private group, it is open to anyone who wishes to learn about the Elven Way and friends of such.
Nature & the Unseen Realms with the Elves & otherkin. A spiritual journey —A group to share together our occult experiences of Elfin-Faerie that are usually not shared and also to share about the wonders of Nature in the Unseen World.
Elfin Faerie Lore — For Faeries and Elfin Folk. This group is for sharing elfin faerie lore, magic and life as Fae,
Silver Elves Embassy — This is a place of rest and gathering together to relax and share our stories, dreams for the future, and magic of our elfin adventures. We Silver Elves also share here in this group some of our own magical true tales and adventures that have lead us to further embrace the Shining Ones.
"An arrow seldom flies straight but if well aimed will
still hit its target." Olde Elven Saying. The elves have observed that
arrows wobble when they fly, rather like a wave coming to the shore, they take
this to mean that nearly everyone vacillates upon the path but that doesn't
mean they will not reach their goals. They also see this as advice for parents
in that if they parents have raised their children with the right values, they
don't need to worry about the choices their children make upon the way, or be
overly concerned about their minor detours from the path, if they have been
well aimed, in other words, they will reach the target.
—The Silver Elves

“Starlight brings us messages from long ago and far away, of Elfin that once was, and yet they ever seem to say, ‘Look ye to the future, for Elfin comes carried by our glimmerings’.”
—The Silver Elves

Let’s Study Arvyndase, the Magical Language of the Silver Elves!
As many of you know, we now have published not only our book teaching you how to speak and write Arvyndase (see Arvyndase (Silverspeech): A Short Course in the Magical Language of the Silver Elves), but also The Complete Dictionary of Arvyndase with over 30,000 words from English to Arvyndase and from Arvyndase to English. Arvyndase is a complete elven language and one of the best ways (at least one of the most fun ways) to learn it is to study Arvyndase vocabulary by translating our Silver Elves “Elf Sayings”. We have begun posting our elf sayings, chants, and elven spells in Arvyndase in our Facebook group Magical Books of the Silver Elves, and we will also post them here for you with each upcoming blog. Below is one of our most important magical chants in Arvyndase:
"The Elves say: 'It is the bow's flexibility that lends the arrow power'."
—The Silver Elves
Announcement For All Tree Lovers!
We Silver Elves are very happy to announce the publication of An Elfin Book of Trees for the Elven Druid: The Ogham of the Elves Using Elvish Wizard Script! We are quite excited because it is an oracle book about the magic of trees, our loving cousins. Reading this book, you will learn about the magic that individual trees and tree groups may bring you, written from the point of view of the elves. And besides using this book as an oracle, each tree or tree group (of which there are 111) has an Elfin Ogham in the Wizard Script of the Silver Elves that may be used in your own magic. This book is easy to use as an oracle and the specifics on just how to do so are covered in the introduction and through out the book, with elven spells at the end of each chapter, written in English and also Arvyndase (the magical language of the Silver Elves), to be used for enchantment magic upon drawing the tree or tree group. To read more about this book and some sample chapters, please click here as we have a special blog page dedicated to this book.

An Elfin Book of Trees for the Elven Druid:
The Ogham of the Elves Using Elvish Wizard Script
Sold on Amazon USA: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1710655704
and Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1710655704

Touch this star above, dear Kindred, for an Elven Blessing!
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