Saturday, July 8, 2017

How Does an Elf Live in a World of Normal Folk?

"It is not our place to slap them awake (as much as that may seem necessary or justified)
but to awaken them gently with the song of Elfin."

It often seems to the elven, and this is not without a good deal of justification, that one lives in a world surrounded by what are often called the unenlightened, the unawakened, the muggles (a la Harry Potter), the mundane or the normal folk (so called because that is how they like to think of themselves). But from an elven point of view, the whole world is full of magic and nearly everyone, with very few exceptions, are magicians of various sorts, although most don’t acknowledge that fact, or conceive things in that way.

This means that we are also surrounded by people who may call themselves men or woman but who are, in most cases, some variety of fae folk. They are orcs or goblins, grimlens, hobbits, pixies, brownies, faeries, elves and all manner of otherkin and hobs (halflings) of various kinds. Most, of course, don’t think of themselves in this way, which is in fact the point. They are unawakened to their true natures. But we elfin need not be. Even if they are unaware of who they are, we usually get some sense of their real being and may guide them, gently, toward that realization.

In doing so, we must be careful of not forcing our own opinions and aspirations upon them. Our task is to guide them to their own realization. It is not our place to slap them awake (as much as that may seem necessary or justified) but to awaken them gently with the song of Elfin.

And this brings us to a question we are often asked by elves living in a world of Unawakened:
What will happen to us if Humanity destroys itself?

     Elves know ours’elves to be essentially spirit beings. We are not elves because of the shape of our bodies but rather our bodies are manifestations of our spirit. If it should happen, and we truly hope it doesn’t for it would be inconvenient for us, that man and some other kind destroy the environment to the point where we are unable to live upon the Earth in humanoid form, we would, of course, find other forms or planetary systems to live within and upon.
     The vast majority of unawakened humans would in those circumstances reincarnate in whatever animal, fish or insect forms might be available and begin again the slow evolutionary ascent. Some elfin folk would go to other planets where similar forms might be found and some few, truly evolved elfin would rise to take their place among the Shining Ones.
     It is also possible and perhaps in a way likely that some elfin would simply bide their time, living on the astral planes in the sort of nether and ethereal realms of Elfin that many folks assume to be the true Elfland, waiting for circumstances to develop where we may proceed with our efforts to master our ability to manifest upon the material planes of existence. Stepping from this to another timeline, another parallel world.
     But our great hope is that enough of humanity will wake up and, even now in what seems to be this late date, transform thems’elves sufficiently to continue our evolution upon this most wondrous crystal blue planet.

If you are dealing with the unenlightened or unawakened, then we highly suggest that you enjoy reading What An Elf Would Do: A Magical Guide to the Manners and Etiquette of the Faerie Folk.

It is a wry, sly, often tongue in cheek view of how elves see and interact with the world of the normal folk as well as with Otherkind of all sorts. It is designed to help the elfin everywhere to move through the often mysterious cultures of mankind with confidence and ease.

We also welcome you to come join us on Facebook under the name Michael J. Love (silver elves).

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See all our 45+ books on The Elven Way on Amazon here:

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