"We are elves because we choose to be elves and we choose to be elves
because of who we are, because Elfin calls to us, because, quite often, we have
been pursuing this path in various forms from one lifetime to another."
Are We Born to Be Elves?
The answer is
yes, but not in the way that many folks would think. This question is similar
to the one about being genetically elven, and as we’ve said (see our article on our Wordpress Silver Elves Blog site titled "Is Being An Elf a Matter of Blood of Genetic Heritage?"), while some folks
may be descendants of those upon whom the tales of elves are often based, not
everyone from that genetic line chooses to pursue the Elven Way (in fact very
few do) and not all those who pursue the Path of the Elfin are from that
genetic heritage nor need to be.
But the question:
are we born elves? is really a slightly different question. And we say yes, we
are born elves not because of our genetic heritage but due to our spiritual
heritage. We are elves because we choose to be elves and we choose to be elves
because of who we are, because Elfin calls to us, because, quite often, we have
been pursuing this path in various forms from one lifetime to another. We may
not have called ours’elves elves. We may have called ours’elves star children
or some other name but the reality of our being is the same.
And it doesn’t
matter what our ancestors believed or how they acted as individuals. It doesn’t
matter if they thought themselves elves or not, or even bothered to even
consider the idea. What matters is that it calls to our own hearts and minds. And
why does it do so? Because we are elves. Because this is what moves us, brings
us joy, enlightens our minds, awakens our spirits and nurtures our souls. We
were born to be elven and we sing the praises of the Divine Magic, of the stars
of Elfin that this is so.
Our elven
ancestors may or may not have been our genetic ancestors but they are most
assuredly our spiritual ancestors and in the realms of Elfin, those wondrous
realms of spirit and magic, this is what really matters.
So if elves are born elven, are orcs born to be orcs as
We must say that
the answer to this question is both yes and no. If we consider orcs, goblins
and grimlens from the point of view that is expressed in so many stories that
these individuals often seek to foster wickedness in the world, then we’d have
to say no, they were not born to do so. Rather they are raised or reared (and
we do mean reared and beaten) to do so. Just as abusers have often been abused
as individuals, so do some individuals become orc-like, or goblin-like, or
grimlen-like because of the abuse they’re suffered or the way they have been
Certainly, this
was Tolkien’s opinion when he stated that orcs were elves that had been
tortured until they became orcs. And surely and unfortunately this is the fate of
far too many innocent children who would grow up to be quite lovely and loving
(elfin) beings if it weren’t for the fact that they are brutalized by their
parents or others, by the often cruel nature of the world as some folks have
created it and insist upon it being. They are raised by those who are always
trying to toughen them up for the harsh world they will encounter as they grow
And surely there
is some karmic link or lesson that is involved with this as well. We choose our
incarnation although some individuals are so desperate to be reborn they don’t
bother to read the fine print, so to speak, of the body and life they choose.
But what we need ask ours’elves is if orcs, grimlens and goblins have to be the
cruel and wicked to be orcs and so forth. Do you have to be evil or part of a
conspiracy to take over the world and force your beliefs on others to be a
grimlen? Is there no positive outlet for the orc?
Can a person be a good
person, and intelligent, educated and kind individual and still be an orc?
Well, really that is for the orcs, goblins and grimlens to decide for their own
selves. It is not our place as elves to define what it means to be an orc or
any other kind of being. We are doing well in attempting to define our own
s’elves and live up to those definitions. And we certainly are not inclined to
allow others to decide for us what constitutes our elven nature. We elfin, for our part, believe in the
possibility, even the inevitability of evolutionary development and trust that
someday orcs, grimlens, goblins and other Unseelie will be our friends as well
as being, as they are, our fae cousins. That is surely our hope for them and
for the world.
The Silver Elves
Our Website:http://silverelves.angelfire.com
See all our 45+ books on The Elven Way on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1
And to help you with your Elven magic:
THE ELEMENTS OF ELVEN MAGIC: A New View of Calling theElementals Based Upon the Periodic Table of Elements is a book to use for
summoning and evoking elements to help you in your life and magic. Taking a new
look at the idea of the elements and the elementals, we Silver Elves have once
again merged the reality of Science, which is Nature, and Occult tradition and
have introduced the elements of Earth, Fire, Air and Water into the modern age
of the Periodic Table of Elements. It is a new and original view of the Ways of
the Ancients as expected of the Elves. We present for your consideration a new
and elven way at pursuing the magical art of evocation of the Elements and the
Elementals. Our wish is that it serves you well and hopefully evokes your own
imagination and stirs your particular and individual style of magic
What Kind of Elf or Otherkin Are You?
What Kind of Elf or Otherkin Are You?
And What is Your Elfae or Otherkin Tribe?
years various kindred have asked us, the Silver Elves, to help them
figure this out. You probably know if you are an elf, faerie, or
otherkin but now we've created a questionnaire in order to help us and
you create a narrative together about your specific people and your
clan, their personal characteristics, magic, relationship to Nature, and
interests. This is our gift to you (free), which we think will be a bit
of fun for both of us. Give us five minutes of your time and we will
give you a half hour to forty minutes of ours and send you your unique
magical narrative. Simply follow this link and the directions on that
page: http://silverelves.angelfire.com/HAelfkin.html
If you are feeling elven adventuresome, you might also enjoy our Elven Tree of Life Eternal: A Magical Quest for One's True S'Elf. You can either go to our website and enter our magical forest for this exploration and enjoy it online or purchase it in a convenient book form. Enjoy!

And to go with the Elven Tree of Life Eternal are our short stories:
These are a collection of short stories by Zardoa Silverstar,
one of the Silver Elves. You will find within this book a western, a detective
story, parodies of popular movie and television characters, and re-imaginings
of traditional fairy tales all told from an elven point of view in Zardoa’s wry
irreverent pixie style. We trust you will enjoy them as much as we do.
The stories in Elven Silver were originally written to go along
with the Elven Tree of Life to explore your magical being in our Elven Tree of
Life Eternal. In the Elven Tree of Life Eternal, there are different types of
elves and faeries that you can come out to be and the bottom has choices of
what kind of magic you wield. So these stories in Elven Silver were originally
written to go with those. But then we realized that it would be far too much to
read on a website, so we made the stories into a book. We have also made the
Elven Tree of Life into a book titled The Elven Tree of Life Eternal: A Magical
Quest for One's True S'Elf, much like a choose your own adventure book, to use
to explore your magical nature.
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