when he was about eight years old...."

Although, if you
ask what tarot deck we elven like best that again depends upon the individual.
We’ve known elfin who loved decks that didn’t move us at all but which they
found to be wondrous. For instance, a friend of ours loves the Xultun Tarot deck by Peter Balin based
upon the Mayan World View but this has, for some reason, never spoken to us at
all (although we still own the deck).
For our own part,
we like decks that are beautiful, that have a truly different picture or
symbolic representation for each card (which is essentially the primary
contribution of the Waite-Rider deck
to tarot cards) and which tells us something unique or different that we can
learn from or which evokes our psyche and challenges us, like dreams do, to
understand their meaning. Most decks are actually a variation of the Waite-Rider deck, but there are some
very good ones out there.
One of the decks
we love, even though it isn’t strictly a tarot deck, and there are more and
more of these types of decks becoming available, is the Fortune Teller’s Mah Jongg by Derek Walters, which is an interesting
oracle. We also love and use periodically John Matthews' the Celtic Shamans Pack, Phillip and
Stepanie Carr-Gomm’s the Druid Animal
Oracle, Liz and Colin Murray’s The
Celtic Tree Oracle, Jamie Sams and David Carson’s Medicine Cards, Caroline Smith and John Astrop’s Elemental Tarot, Nik Douglas and Penny
Slinger’s the Secret Dakini Oracle
(one of our favorites), and James Wanless and Ken Knutson’s Voyager Tarot. And there is a deck we only use when the shit hits the fan and
we don’t know exactly where we are going next or what to do and that is the Tele-Psychic Power Cards, which were
printed in Singapore, but whose author is unknown. This deck is a set of affirmation
cards that help us keep our heads together in difficult times, although they do
tend to be a bit traditional at times, referring to “god”, etc. But that is no
problem for these elves who simply say Divine Magic instead, making the deck
suit our own needs and elven philosophy, as we do all things. And these are
just some of our favorites.
We even created
our own tarot deck but because it is handmade it is a bit cumbersome to use.
Instead, we wrote a book in which you could take any tarot deck or even a regular playing
card deck and turn it into an elven oracle. In fact, we entitled it the Voice of Faerie: Making Any Tarot Deck into an Elven Oracle. And because we spent a number of years burning candles
and drawing cards each day for magic (most of the decks we used for this were
given to us by our daughter), we wrote The Elven Book of Powers: Using the Tarot for Magical Wish Fulfillment to help
those elfin who wished to do the same thing.
At one time we
owned over 100 tarot and tarot-like decks, but when we migrated to Hawaii we
reduced that number quite a bit. Most of those decks we had purchased used (or
we suppose these days we should call them pre-owned) at a local Swap Meet where
we sold used (pre-owned) hippie-gypsy-elfin-costume clothes for cheap, along with incense, oils and some imports, and did tarot
readings for one dollar a reading (full Celtic Spread) for over 15 years. The photo above, "Tarot Readings $1," is of our actual sign (hand painted on wood) that we used for all those years.
Our point is,
however, that we love tarot, as do many other elves and are always open to new
and interesting decks. And also that the deck that is best for a person, is the one
or ones that speak to you. But there are other oracles besides tarot that these
elves regularly use and we will get into that next time in Part 2.
The Silver Elves
The Voice of Faerie: Making Any Tarot DeckInto an Elven Oracle is designed to allow the user to
communicate with the Realms and Spirits of Faerie/Elfin/Elfland, the spirits of
the Nether Realms, sentient and intelligent beings of this and other planets,
this and other dimensions, this world and the parallel worlds connected to it,
using any tarot deck. The authors channeled it from those very spirits who are
searching for their kindred on the planet.
This is a Living Book. It is designed to be used in concert with any tarot deck so that their meanings and concepts can be easily and readily accessible to anyone interested in communicating with the elven and faerie spirits of other realms and dimensions. This book can be read from cover to cover; however, we think it best if you read bit by bit as the cards speak to you.
The Silver Elves
"For the elven, the tarot cards represent magical powers and
can not only be used as symbolic communication with the spirits but can also be
combined to create various spells and formulas and cantrips."
—from Elf Quotes by The Silver Elves
Elven Book of Powers: Using the Tarot for Magical Wish Fulfillment by The Silver Elves is
a book for those who wish to use the Tarot for visualization and wish
fulfillment. It describes the powers of each particular card in a traditional
Tarot deck and how to use its powers to fulfill one's vision and achieve one's
will, drawing to one the energies needed for success so all one's dreams will
come true. There are also evocations, invocations and rhyming spells for each
card to aid one in visualization.

This is a Living Book. It is designed to be used in concert with any tarot deck so that their meanings and concepts can be easily and readily accessible to anyone interested in communicating with the elven and faerie spirits of other realms and dimensions. This book can be read from cover to cover; however, we think it best if you read bit by bit as the cards speak to you.
While this book can be
used with any tarot deck, you will note that there are additional and
alternative cards beyond traditional tarots deck, which have 78 cards. Thus
this deck can also be used with other decks that exceed the traditional card
set up or you can create your own deck using it.
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